My Personal EHS Discovery

Fabiana Meredith
Gia Wellness
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2017

When I was a young child I recall at different times being in the room of a building or home and feeling an uncomfortable buzz go through my body. I also remember the feeling accompanied by a ringing in my ears. I had no idea what could be causing this discomfort, but as long as I found another room or corner of the room to escape to, I was fine.

It was not until I was in my mid-thirties that I discovered this “buzz” in my body I would feel on occasion and the ringing in my ears was connected to a health condition called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).

What is EHS?

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that results in sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Symptoms can be mild to severe and commonly include one or more of the following: insomnia and other sleep disorders, ringing in the ears, light and noise sensitivity, chronic fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, nerve numbness, compromised immune system, heart palpitations, nausea, joint pain, facial swelling, eye and vision problems, rashes, inflammation, anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and irritability.

My EHS Story

On Christmas Eve 2015 I had lost function of my body not knowing what was going on, wondering if I might be experiencing a heart attack, but thinking I was too young for this. After being checked into the emergency room and then being transported by ambulance to another emergency room that had more testing equipment, doctors determined my heart was okay, but found swelling in my brain they could not explain. After ruling out brain tumor and brain cancer, I was put on a low dose steroid to bring the swelling down.

I regained full function of my body and returned back to normal, but remained confused by what caused the episode that landed me in the emergency room feeling like I had lost complete function of my body.

Not long after my ER visit, I made an interesting discovery while going through a somewhat routine day walking through an airport. I travel often and so catching another plane was not out of the ordinary. While I was walking through the airport, I noticed a buzz sensation going through my body accompanied with the ringing in my ears like I remember happening from time to time. The feeling would come and go as I walked to my gate.

Once I arrived at my gate, I had a little time before boarding the plane, so I decided to charge my phone. I took the charging cord out of my backpack, plugged the cord to the phone and as I reached to plug the cord into the receptacle, I felt an intense tingle shoot through my arm and the ringing in my ears came back. I decided to pull away from the receptacle, and in doing so, the tingling sensation and the ringing in my ears went away. I slowly moved closer to the receptacle again and slowly the tingling sensation and the ringing in my ears intensified. It was in that moment that I realized I had a hypersensitivity to things that emit electricity.

I retraced my footsteps in the airport and realized the buzz I felt in my body that would come and go was happening every time I walked past a charging station. I would also get a numbness in my fingers on occasion, realizing it must be from holding my iphone and other electronics, and touching the touchscreens and fingerpads. Then I thought back on the different occasions as a young child and feeling the uncomfortable buzz in my body and hearing the ringing in my ears. In that moment, I realized I had always been electromagnetic hypersensitive, but just had never made the connection until I was in my mid-thirties.

Upon recognizing and making the connection to having EHS, I spent a period of time feeling like I was a character in a sci-fi movie and not really being able to describe my condition to others because the few times I did, the response I would get was that I was crazy! I floated along for a little while not talking much of my personal discovery until one day when I crossed paths with someone who understood my condition. This person introduced me to an amazing company called Gia Wellness and their amazing products that relieved my symptoms. I had never seen a company like Gia Wellness nor experienced products that gave real relief to my symptoms.

Since my personal discovery, I have also connected into EHS support groups as way to receive help for managing symptoms. Participating in support groups has also provided a wonderful way to give help to others experiencing the same discomforts. The community of people who live with EHS is a lot larger than I realized!

Even if you have never experienced a sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation, I still encourage creating your environments to be as low-EMR as possible because it is a healthy thing to do, it is good for the health of our loved ones who, without us ever knowing, could also be electromagnetic sensitive.

Fabiana Meredith is the co-founder of — a holding company founded to inspire people to live full, complete lives.


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Gia Wellness

Aires Tech

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