The connection between Metal Gear Solid V and a Medical Research Article

A Theory

Pau R.


Here’s a theory of mine that I have formulated over a year ago. I tried searching the internet if there are others like me who noticed it too and made a post about it, but my search is in vain. I might not be using the right keywords. So If there are and there are posts/article of it too, feel free to share it to me through a comment here or a private tweet.

Anyway — so this one involves Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid V, and a Medical Research Article.

E3 has ended. Mr. Kojima has once again captured the imagination and interest of the video game industry on his trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. From the cinematic trailer to the positive reviews and impressions of the press to the 20-minute gameplay demo shown to them, fans of the series now have more reasons to get excited in anticipation for the release of the game — with me being one of the many fans of the saga.

But as I watched the trailers and E3-related news and interviews regarding the game, and reading a couple of articles — I can’t help but look back at a previous post of mine that I wrote last April 20, 2013.

When I told my sister about Hideo Kojima executing his sort-of “prank” at the 2012 Spike VGAs — releasing the trailer for ‘The Phantom Pain’ — she told me that a Phantom Pain is a medical condition. Curious, I researched and looked it up in the internet. But I did not drill in on the details about it.

So when Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was officially announced during the 2013 Game Developer’s Conference, again I revisited the articles and entries on the internet regarding the medical condition.

And here’s the most interesting thing that I noticed when reading about the wikipedia entry of Phantom Pain — There’s a published article/research back in 2000 entitled “Phantom pain and phantom sensations in upper limb amputees: an epidemiological study.”. Upon looking at the authors, one of them was — Kooijman, C.M..

The research paper which involves upper limb amputees— Snake (or Venom Snake as what he’s called at the moment) lost an arm, which is an upper limb.

The Doctor’s last name — Kooijman — it sounds like Hideo’s last name.

Like what I said in my previous post regarding this discovery — I couldn’t help but conclude that maybe this is one of the inspirations that Hideo Kojima had to formulate the main plot/story of the game. I mean, it’s too coincidental. The article and the author, and Kojima and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

I may be wrong about my theory and I may never get the answer from the man himself if he did manage to stumble upon the medical article that may be instrumental in the thought process for the creation of the game. But yeah, I’ll just leave this post here, floating around the world wide web. It might somehow reach him.



Pau R.

Philippines. The caveman next door. Your average ancient. I art when it hits.