The Art Play

Manisha Bhandari
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2016

When curiosity isn’t piqued, artists die. I believe everyone is born an artist, everyone gets a box of crayons. Those times, crayons are only a symbol of what our imagination coupled with courage can do to us.

(Un)Fortunately, for some, the imagination remains, but the courage gets lost. Seth Godin famously rewrites the definition of an artist: An artist isn’t just a painter. He is anybody who questions the status quo, who leads, who takes things personally and one who uses his insights, bravery and creativity to challenge stereotypes.

People ask me: Where does creativity come from? I define serious play as stepping into the unknown, knowing that once I jump the net will catch me. Serious play is the adventure you are willing to take. Serious play is the time when people will scoff at what you create but you will have to get up and “create” for the sake of your soul.

And if you really want to be an artist, give your soul some serious play time. Fail. Get laughed at. Get ridiculed. But create art.



Manisha Bhandari

I help brands tell powerful stories through the medium of writing. I teach meditation & breathing techniques to empower individuals and communities.