12am brain fart

alyssa ʕ•̫͡•ʔ✧
Gibbers & Jabbers
Published in
1 min readMay 21, 2021

yes, it is what it is.

-values and beliefs-

F always told me to hold onto hope, hold onto the things that truly matter. what matters to me? that i don’t know, but i hold onto the very hope that i have the cognitive ability to know what i should hold onto. how hopeless.

M, like the tiger she is, claws into my skin and flesh — with her never-ending rambling and ignorance; going on and on about how we must become this, must become that. she tells us to square up, go to jc, then to uni, get a degree, masters, phd, become a dentist, become a vet, become a doctor, earn money, become rich, so you’ll be happy…

but this isn’t what I want? i want to have freedom with my own life and to live a fulfilling one, not necessarily a successful one. as fickle as this may sound, i want to live- live in the present and not be chained down to the minimal options they give us. please.

do you hear me? world?

i trust you.

bYE just gonna submit this my brain cannot process anymore

hope you’re all well this HBL, sending virtual hugs! ^~^

stay safe everyone!

