older sister

Angelica Jesselle
Gibbers & Jabbers
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2021
it's hard to remember faces only the feelings

there was a time where you were everything I wanted to be


the best style in town, a beautiful voice, love of all, especially my parents

you were family, an older sister I never had

dried my tears of my first failure, praised me when I thought no one else would. if I could have given you the world I would have.

what a fool, what a fool, what a fool

you always left me for your others and gave in to their words

that’s the girl that’s 7 but is just a big baby! she can’t even ride a bicycle yet!

I always forgave you, you always said it was cause they were your best friends and that they didn’t like me. I hung to the fact that you still played with me and my dollies when they others weren’t there.

i loved you so much.

i showed you my heart when it was shattered and you made picking up the glass pieces so much easier making me ignore how bloody my hands were getting.

i showed you my heart when it felt the joy of a first crush and you squealed alongside me at every heart fluttering message sent,

i showed you my heart when I was so scared of eating broccoli and you refused to even though it was your favourite just so I wouldn’t feel ashamed

i showed you my heart when I wanted to strut a new outfit I worked so hard on and you twirled me around saying I looked just like a runway model.

you’ve seen it all.


why when I finally saw who you were

every piece of my heart that you ever touch felt like

nails piercing through

needles stabbing

spiked chains tightening

how could those words be yours

hands losing strength, breath getting shallow, vision blurring

my head had never felt more pain but I guess constant tears outweighed chronic migraines

“shes not worth anything to me, she’s just a [REDACTED] I’m just stuck with her. shes so lonely, I’m just doing some charity work ”

“shes just keeps telling me everything! and I have to play along for so long cause our parents are friends. everything she does is so annoying. how could anyone want to be her friend honestly ”

was it all an act? was the past 7 years? all an act?

no longer do believe in friends

i cant accept kindness anymore because what if it’s all an act

friends made only out of pity

no longer do I see a friendly smile as genuine

I was never meant to see those words

and I still smile and laugh with you

but those very mere lines

changed me

sceptical of any kindness

walls arose, afraid of opening-up

cowardly shying from starting conversation

cause what if they’re being kind because the pity a lonely girl

or they pretend to console me only to be seen as a burden

this wasn’t the change I wished for

I’m no longer the same because of you

Yet I still wonder would I have been as happy

in the cherished past, I once shared with you

if only I knew you



Angelica Jesselle
Gibbers & Jabbers

every topic i write about is nothing worth of an aesthetic