turtles and seashells

Gibbers & Jabbers
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2021

moral integrity is something we’re all expected to have. whether or not people actually have them is another thing. “what are your beliefs? what are your values?” these questions are what you’d usually find in a quotev personality quiz. well. this is getting boring.

i’ve never seen myself as someone who’s able to clearly aticulate what i felt in a point in time, and i usually just sit in the corner quietly until everything gets too much, then it all comes spilling out like what happens when you mix baking soda, vinegar and dish soap. but i digress.

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“lets say… i was your best friend. and as your best friend… i helped you. why wouldn’t i? im your best friend! but the things you did i had to clean up after… you wouldn’t have done that, would you? that wasn’t you… that wasn’t you…”

just how far would we go when it comes to excuses? morality is a fickle thing, it never remains the same. it’s simply a flame on a match thrown into a pool of gasoline.

but whether the flame goes out halfway is an entirely different story.

i think sometimes we forget just what makes us human. is it honesty? curiosity? or empathy? just how much do we lie on a regular basis, and just how much pain do we all feel?

and what was the point of it? whats the point of all that?

what does humanity have to gain after decades of destruction? aren’t you tired? why do you keep going?

why do we keep going?




why do i… keep going?

i ask myself this alot. i dont think i fully understand it either. going through the same thing time and time again, learning how to walk, learning how to smile, learning how to…

but what did i gain? what did i gain from this, and why do i do the things i do? morality would be the answer sitting on my tongue, but unfortunately it’s not.

i dont think i live my life by certain values, nor do i have any beliefs that keep me going whatsover. im simply a piece of driftwood in the middle of the sea, hoping to find shore one day. and if someone were to pick me up and carve me into a masterpiece, id be thankful.

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i think i went out of point. lol. ok honest answer here my moral compass is grey but i wont stand for discrimination, or violations of human rights. i know i may come across as rude sometimes but im definitely not a bad person. also if we’re talking about beliefs im just going to put it out there that respect from me is earned not given. also i feel like i should clarify i referenced omori (a psychological horror rpg). i keep editing this because i didnt check for typos beforehand



Gibbers & Jabbers

with my own eyes i witnessed the last moment of a flower, and it was then i truly understood life.