Effective Bookkeeping Tips for Small Business Owners

Shubhendra Agrawal
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2016

Every business, no issue how large or small, must have some kind of bookkeeping system in place. Keeping exact records will permit the business owner to be on top of organizational profits and losses. Businesses have been known to fall short because the owner was not aware of how money was being used up, what returns was coming in and what bills had to be remunerated.

When there is no bookkeeping system in use, it is very simple to ignore targets and overlook significant dates. Here are some effective tips that will help you make your financial records up-to-date.

Always be organized

Being organized is one of the most significant bookkeeping tips for small business owners. It is one of the best ideas to keep all of your business receipts in single place. You should not worry if you don’t have time to find them just make sure to keep them all collected together in a briefcase or drawer. It is suggested that you stock up all invoices, receipts, and paperwork for at least five years.

Individual and business expenditures should be separated

When accumulating your receipts, it is a better idea to keep at least two different containers. One should be for your individual expenses and second for business purchases. This will make the sorting method much simpler afterwards.

Business credit card is must for business purchases

Using a diverse banking or payment account is one of the best ways to make outlay tracking simple for the small business owner. This also comes down on having to stock up personal receipt as you can save on your monthly statements.

Budget should be realistic

Budgeting is partially the fight in running an effective business. Making a sensible budget will help you better handle your finances and check your marketing efforts.

Be prepared for the unpredicted

You should always be keeping money away for a drizzling day. Unforeseen expenses always come with business ownership and having money in an urgent situation will make it less excruciating.

Simplify your bookkeeping

Using online bookkeeping software is the best way to make your bookkeeping easier. It also allows you to simply hand over this task to somebody else so that you can concentrate on other projects such as managing customers, creating latest products or services and looking for new business.

Contract out your bookkeeping

Many times, small business owners find themselves concentrating on activities that do not straightforwardly influence revenue production. Everybody wants to be a do-it-yourselfer, but is it truly helping your base line? Just think how much time you could save if this task was given to a professional.

So, keep in mind that having good records make sure that you fulfill with government rules and helps you keep your finances under control.

