A piece of peace with Inventory Management!

Jinesh Udani
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2018

Hang on, what’s this?

How would managing your inventory help you have a peaceful life? What does inventory management have to do with mental wellness.

But just stop and think about why are you using technology in your everyday life and business?

No doubt you’re adopting technology to keep ahead of your competitors and to be a step ahead of your customers’ demands.

But I’d like to remind you a simple fact which often gets forgotten and lost. You’re using technology because, simply put, you want to enjoy your life by running your business in a smarter, faster and more efficient way.

Be honest. What would you rather be doing now? Entering numbers and data into countless spreadsheets saved locally among various computers?

Or having a sip of a kadak chai in the afternoon and joining your family for dinner promptly every night?

I know which one I would choose if I had inventory management tool in my favourite accounting software which does the heavy lifting for me. To me, the benefits of inventory management features in an online accounting software are very clear:

Top 3 Benefits of Inventory Management:

  1. Achievement of Optimum Productivity

Storing and maintaining your stocks till they are sold means having your money tied up in them. You can’t spend this money.

You want efficiency in managing your stocks so that your business is positive in the cash flow aspect. We all know the sad reality of a business running out of cash, never mind profits.

Also, simple analysis of reports can help you see what products are selling fast and which one . This helps you make smarter purchasing and re-stocking decisions with every trend that you observe and analyse.

Do you need to handle complex units of measurement? All this and much much more is possible with an inventory management solution.

2. Real Time Success with Real Time Management

Nobody wants to be sitting around doing manual data entry tasks or complex manual calculations with every purchase order. It’s best to leave it to software to automate these common tasks which is all done on the cloud in real time. With Giddh, your important documents are conveniently generated in PDF format for cross-platform compatibility so that you can share those documents whenever you want to whoever you want.

3. Keeps your Customers Happy!

How on earth does inventory management can keep your customers happy?

Well, it reduces your time to re-stock. With an inventory management system you’re able to keep fast-selling products in stock (from your analytics and reports remember?) and fulfil your inventory commitments immediately.

Think about this with the perspective of a buyer for a second. Who would you rather buy from? A seller with ready stock to ship immediately? Or one that takes 2–5 days to order stock before shipping it out? A customer that receives an order quickly is definitely a happy customer.


As you can see you can’t manage your business without a competent inventory management system. Choose one that works for you and your business.

Don’t be blinded by marketing claims, complicated features or needless paid upgrades.

Technology should liberate you from the burden of running a wholesale or distribution business and let you live life to the max!



Jinesh Udani
Editor for

Content Jedi, Spoken Word Poet, Aggressively Funny, Active Chaivanist.