#KickOff, kicks off in 14 days from now!

Ankita Chadha
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2016


Product. Check. Invoice/2.0. Check. Dashboard. Check.

You haven’t checked in yet.

Under our #KickOff Giddh campaign, starting this Diwali till Christmas, Giddh brings a jaw-dropping offer you cannot refuse.

Sign up between 30th October-25th December and we will gift your business the following benefits at less or no rates:

- All your accounting will be managed by us for free on your behalf. That means your accountant/you will live a burden free number life for 2 months. (Till 31st December, 2016). This will include writing your every single business entry into Giddh during this span.

- Highly Discounted onboard rates.

- Free of cost consultancy related to all your accounts.

- 24x7 customer support. But wait, that’s free forever! :)

