Homeless in the Winter and the need for the Gift Card Project

If the Autumn slows down our summer activities, it is the winter that stops them altogether. There is for us during this time of year no escaping the dropping temperatures and rising snow. Even an SUV with winter tires can be relegated to our driveway (and we to our couch) while snow accumulates around it.

Consider, though, the plight of someone with no vehicle — or home for that matter. The ostensible beauty of the season becomes, for them, an occasion of misery and horror.

Consider, likewise, the joy and surprise stemming from an encounter with a stranger who approaches you at this time of despair with a gift card for a meal and a willingness to have a conversation. Reaching someone in a practical and emotional way goes a long way towards giving someone hope. And hope, you see, is the ultimate currency of The Gift Card Project.



Ryan Bilodeau
The Gift Card Project | Helping the Homeless

God, family, country. Teacher & author. Ardent about helping the homeless. Big fan of marketing, sports, poetry, politics & hip-hop. | http://ryanbilodeau.com