Back To College For Everyone

Embracing the thrill no matter what your age

Gift Hero
Gift Hero
3 min readAug 27, 2017


This time of year I skate a fine line between excitement and jealousy. Well, jealousy is a bit strong, but certainly, envy creeps into my almost 20-years post freshman year of college heart. Go to any Target or Wal-Mart type of store and you will most definitely see one of two things. Typically, it’s mother/daughter combo picking out a bed-in-a-bag for the soon to be dorm dwelling freshman or a combo of incredibly enthusiastic young girls eager to outfit their new home away from home. I’ve seen a smattering of dads or moms with their sons, of groups of guys doing the same, but with a muted zeal, they are much harder to spot.

Witnessing this yearly ritual reminds me to take a beat and recall what it felt like to be that pumped on life. It’s such a fantastic experience, this leaving the nest and creating a new one as a young adult. The closest I can get to it now, aside from living vicariously while out shopping, is by dreaming up my own new view. It could be something as simple as painting a room or changing out a few pillows, but even small changes can be rejuvenating. Whether you are a wide-eyed college bound freshman or an adult who’s been around the block a few, creating and sharing a dream domicile wish list can be done anytime, even from a smart phone with Gift Hero.

These wish lists created by Gift Hero Experts are great examples of the limitless possibilities when dreaming up your ideal domicile.

Whether you are racing at breakneck speed towards your first independent dwelling or just basking in the glorious glow of those memories, create your wish list at Gift Hero and keep those dreams alive by sharing them with the ones you love best. ♥︎

