Emoji Optional: Add Gifts To Wish Lists with Text Messaging

Gift Hero
Gift Hero
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2017

We created Gift Hero to help celebrate any and all occasions by taking the guesswork out of gift giving, making giving and receiving gifts more joyful. Let’s face it, receiving the wrong gift can be an awkward experience, a waste of time and money, and an annoyance to return.

By creating wish lists (for free) on our website, you can let friends and family know exactly what to get you, whether it’s for your birthday, a child’s birthday, graduation, or your wedding! Whatever you want, add the items to your wish list directly on our website, via our browser plugin, or with a quick text message!

How it works:

Save any gift to your Gift Hero account by sending us a text message with the URL. First, you’ll need to add your phone number to your Gift Hero profile.

Once your phone number is added to your profile, you add gifts by doing the following:

When you come across an item on a mobile website you’d like to add to your Gift Hero account, simply use your phone’s Share feature:

For iOS:

  1. Tap the Share icon
  2. Tap the Message icon
  3. Enter Gift Hero’s phone number in the ‘To:’ field: 1–657–500–4438 (Add this number to your Contacts to make the process faster)
  4. Tap the Send icon (upward pointing arrow)

For Android:

  1. Tap ‘Share…’
  2. Choose a message application
  3. Enter Gift Hero’s phone number in the ‘To’ field: 1–657–500–4438 (Add this number to your Contacts to make the process faster)
  4. Tap the Send icon

Gift Hero will receive the message and add the gift to a special wish list labeled Uncategorized (you can reorganize items at any time online). We’ll text you back that your gift was recorded or if there was an error. Easy as that!

TIP: At any time, visit your wish lists page, select the Uncategorized list, and organize its gift(s) however you’d like.

So, got your eye on a new Vitamix? Want to collect funds for a bucket list vacation or honeymoon? Raising money for a charity?

Where there’s a wish, there’s a way.

Try Gift Hero today to discover, track, and give/receive pretty much any product or service from virtually any online retailer.

