Father’s Day & Last Minute Gifting

Suvendu Pal
Gift Hero
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2017

With Father’s Day zooming towards us like this airborne toddler (classic dad move), I’d like to take a moment of your time to discuss last minute gifts. Most people procrastinate. Or maybe, I’m just a procrastinator who likes to think everyone else is one as well. What I do know, is that everyone is familiar with the stress of last minute gifting. Please take a moment to review the 6 stages of last minute gifting (which admittedly bear some resemblance to the 5 +1 stages of grief and regret)

  1. Denial: “Father’s Day! This Sunday? That can’t be right!”
  2. Anger: “Gah! Why didn’t anyone remind me!?”
  3. Bargaining: “Maybe he’ll be happy with another I.O.U…”
  4. Depression: “Every year I do this! Surely I was dropped on my head as a child.”
  5. Acceptance: ”It’s going to be another Father’s Day with a useless gift bought at the drugstore.”
  6. Resolution: “Waaaait a minute! …let me check Gift Hero!”
Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts

It’s probably too late to get Dad to build a wish list on GiftHero.com (although, it’s always a good time to get him to build one, for this reason exactly, and he’s got a birthday at some point, right?), but don’t worry, we’ll sort you out. Go right to Step 6 and check out Gift Hero’s LAST MINUTE FATHER’S DAY GIFTS List for express gifting and still get something awesome for your Pops.

Jame Bond, and Beer, and Beef Jerky…Oh My!

Follow us for more last minute gift ideas and embrace your inner procrastinator, because with Gift Hero you’ll the never drop the gifting ball again.

