Buying things and Happiness

Manu Satsangi
Gift of Shared Kindness
2 min readNov 23, 2020

Disclaimer: This writeup leads to blatant self-promotion towards the end.

Free Image picked from Pixabay

Welcome to the Holiday season, the season of buying stuff (lol), and the season of giving stuff.

I am tending to believe that we usually buy things (think clothes, gadgets) with a primal desire to improve our lives. We think that the new burgundy coat we have been eyeing for some time will increase our worth in the world, hence make us happier. But, alas, that happiness after we buy that coat is short-lived and we quickly slide back into our old worldviews.

It probably means buying new stuff does not really help us in the long term. Then what does?

I read this article recently and it helps with the answer. We can be happier only if we increase our self-worth. And one of the tools to increase self-worth is by ‘practicing and experiencing kindness’. And if you already self-aware and already know how the power of kindness can skyrocket your self-worth, then you can also gift the “experience of kindness” to your loved ones via our unique “Gift of Shared Kindness” greeting card set.

This greeting card set is already tried and tested. There is a story behind the card that tells it all. I hope you can check this out.

