Chat with Deb—Sneaking Around on a Mission

Small investments for small smiles — totally worth it

Jack Herlocker
Gift of Shared Kindness
2 min readDec 29, 2022


DEB: Oh honey, you printed them! So we’re doing this again this year?

ME: Is that okay?

DEB: Of course! It’s fun to think some people will get a smile or a chuckle when they go to their mailbox.

ME: Not the postal delivery person¹, of course.

DEB: Can’t make everybody happy, Jackster!

Us. Deb (left) and me (right). We’re in disguise. Deb’s snowman mask was in the wash, so she went with penguins — take THAT, doorbell cam facial recognition! (photo by author)

Two years ago, Gail Boenning put out the idea of leaving thank you cards at neighbors’ houses to thank them for putting up fun holiday decorations. Since then we’ve taken her idea and scampered around the neighborhood with it.

Gail used to post a lot on Medium, but she’s been going in a different direction the past couple years or so with 3musesmerge on Substack. And in the past year she fought (AND WON!) against breast cancer and COVID-19. She looks great.²

Gail on the left, Manu Satsangi on the right. Manu helped Gail put together the Gift of Shared Kindness. (Photo courtesy of Gail Boenning.)

I mess with Gail’s original wording every year. This year the cards read:

In this year of ups and downs, thank you for lighting and delighting our December. Your fun and festive display gives us smiles whenever we pass by.

Happy Holidays! A Grateful Neighbor

Our first year it was so cold we had to take off our glasses because we kept frosting over; last year it was so warm we ended up shedding layers as we went. This year the weather was perfect and we finished inside twenty minutes.

DEB: Thank you, honey! That was fun!

ME: Thank you, m’love! (smooch)

¹For readers outside the States, our postal system makes it illegal to put anything other than USPS-delivered mail into an official mailbox. We did it anyway.³

²I’ve known Gail a few years online. I may be prejudiced. 😉

³ If you get an email asking for bail money, it’s a scam — we have clean records and we should be able to be released on our own recognizance. (Probably.)



Jack Herlocker
Gift of Shared Kindness

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.