Reviving Human Connection

Manu Satsangi
Gift of Shared Kindness
1 min readDec 5, 2020
Image by Martin Winkler from Pixabay

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Human is a social being, it thrives on human connection. The connection of helping each other, the connection of knowing each other, the connection of learning from each other.

While automation and robotics are fine, all they really do is save costs. But they leave a void for much needed human connection. Ordering thru Amazon does not help you the small talk about the local weather and feel that warmth of someone looking you face-to-face.

The “Gift-of-shared-kindness” (GoSK)is a tool to create a human connection. GoSK comes with a story that would inspire you to build a connection around you, a connection you might have ignored all this while. If you have read this far, I am sure you are interested in creating connections! Pls, check out the below link!

