John D. Freyer
Published in
Oct 30, 2020


from Signed, Sealed and Delivered by John D. Freyer

Economy.Gift will explore art practices that engage, critique and/or embody the economics of late market capitalism. We will look at work by contemporary and historical artists whose work engages with the broader global capitalist system including but not limited to: Marcel Duchamp, Christine Hill, Conrad Bakker, , LEE Mingwei, JSG Boggs, Rikrit Tiravanija, RTMark/The Yesmen, Sylvie Fleury, Michael Landy and Mark Lombardi. Through considerations of contemporary art, film and video, assigned readings and the internet we will study the economics of the contemporary art market, the concept of the gift economy, engagement as institutional critique and cooptation — Readings will include: Imaginary Economics by Olav Velthuis, Art Incorporated by Julian Stallabrass and Boggs: A Comedy of Values by Lawrence Weschler among others. Students will participate in weekly discussions, and produce collective projects that investigate/engage with economic exchange systems. GIFT ECONOMY — 42125 — PHTO 491–002Registration is open.

Grads can register for: INDEPENDENT STUDY Independent Study Photography and Film 692 003 3 14847

Trailer from the documentary film GIFT —

Inspired by Lewis Hyde’s beloved classic The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the World, GIFT is a tribute to something that can’t be measured or counted, bought or sold. An intimate exploration of real-life gift economies, it’s a reflection on the creative process, the reasons we labour in service of our gifts, and the beauty and challenges of fearlessly giving and receiving.

Short meditation on LEE Mingwei’s installation of the Mending Project at ICA at VCUarts.

The Positions and Situations Project: Back-to-the-Land Letters

Alex Arzt is 2015 Photo+Film MFA from VCUarts. Her project: The Positions and Situations Project: Back-to-the-Land Letters started during the last iteration of the Economy.Gift seminar.

