I Used To Be Labelled “Gifted”… What The Fuck Happened?!

J. Roca
Published in
10 min readJul 24, 2016
On a day I freshly smashed my iPhone, making me go schizo, my missions ended up taking me back to the grounds of my once Gifted School…

I once wrote an explainer on “Gifted”, which got green-lighted — & rejected, from [Redacted]. Years later, I received a bizarre, inspiring message about it… Making me feel like re-posting it. So here it is, on a better Medium!


No, really — Thanks to my deep empathy, & high sensory processing sensitivity. OK, I promise I’m not trying to sound like some pretentious asshole about this, as I absolutely feel the stigma surrounding this subject, Intellectual Giftedness. I even had a stupid side Twitter account dedicated to it. So not the vague adjective use of “gifted”, or the cool “Athletically Gifted”; The school board appointed, complex enabling, doubled edged sword soul piercing cut-eye inducing Intellectually “Gifted” Label. As misused, misunderstood, & douchebagish as society seems to have made it.

You know, those smarter than smart kids? Maybe a bit eccentric, or quiet, quirky, or autistic. Shuffled off to a Gifted Class, or Program, or School. The kids who knew everything, & kind of knew that teachers knew that they knew. But they didn’t know everything — Because they were kids. And what they especially didn’t know, was what “Gifted” was all about.

I would know, I was one of them. Now, as a debatably grown ass adult, with the inner child curiously willing to explore, & subject myself to the social embarrassment, I’m just trying to enlighten it up. Albeit, not in some intellectual masturbatory circle jerk off kind of way; But in a more constructive, self-reflecting, debunking myths sharing secrets sort of manner. Fully self-conscious of all the criticisms, preconceived misconceptions, & stereotypes out there, but opening just up a little bit, because again — No one likes to openly talk about this shit.

It ain’t all sunshine on the highway top down in the fast lane to success. Sprinkle in some drizzling depression driving a sports car you’re hardly old enough handle on the highway to anywhere, & now we’re getting somewhere with that brain-engine analogy. So, what is “Gifted”, anyway?


A precocious intellect? An advanced, asynchronous development? An appetite for learning, a capacity to absorb information, a curiosity questioning everything? An amplification of senses, an intense energy, an over-excitability? Exceptional spatial, reasoning, & reading skills? A different way of thinking? With a wide vocabulary? Fucking A! Because there isn’t a universally agreed upon definition of Gifted.

All in all, it’s an innate ability, a seemingly given intellect. Hence, “Intellectually Gifted”. But best put, most recently, by Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli:An Intersection Between Above Average Ability, Task Commitment, & Creativity (As a kid).

So no, not all children are Gifted! intellectually. No matter how cute the parenthood platitudes. And that’s OK! You don’t want to burden & overwhelm kids anyway. Sure, some are bright, or creative, or smart. But Gifted kids are different smart, across the board, with a multi-potentiality. Then, slap a label on that brand of ability, & you add another layer to the complexion. The Gifted Label isn’t even supposed to be an achievement, it’s not something to study for. Giftedness shouldn’t be mistaken for grades, or experience, or even a chequebook. But it is.

That label truly depends on which school board in the world you’re sitting in. Yes, achievements, & genius, & prodigy are flashy, but that’s like the 1%. For the other 99%, it’s not as easily identifiable. And thus, the split personality, between Giftedness, & The Gifted Label.


There are 2 types of Gifted Kids: Gifted Kids who get labelled Gifted, & Gifted Kids who don’t get labelled Gifted.

Then, the garden variety of kids labelled Gifted; Gifted Kids home schooled. Gifted Kids dropped out. Kids who aren’t necessarily Intellectually Gifted who somehow get labelled Gifted. Gifted Kids who are Twice Exceptional, having learning disabilities that constrains them from getting labelled. Exceptionalities including: ADD/ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Speech Impediments, just to name a few.

Ideally, dynamic & universal testing gets kids the Gifted Label. Language & mathematics assessments, pattern recognition, problem solving proficiency; Plus combos of observations, & personal looks inside the imagination. But other factors; favouritism by teachers, flashes of brilliance, maybe some cheating, or archaic methods like IQ snapshot tests, tend to skewer results.

But especially, it’s the overbearing, overcompensating, overzealous parents who can be the scale tipping factor to get kids into Gifted. Why yes, rich people ruin this too. Ultimately, it depends on the budget & the people in charge, on who gets the somewhat, somehow, sought after Gifted Label.


Sometimes, the really smart ass kids fail Gifted testing on purpose, because they’re smart ass to know they don’t want to get labelled Gifted. Others just flat out fail a test; Maybe the pressure got to their head, or they didn’t have a big breakfast, or, English? Not being labelled Gifted doesn’t mean you’re not Gifted, it just means you don’t get to play with what The Gifted Label gets you.

Again, Gifted is not an accumulation of good grades, it’s more about potential to achieve A’s. And it’s not an achievement, it should be an identification process. Ideally, to develop Intellectually Gifted Kids who would critically benefit from having an accelerated education to complement an asynchronous development.

There are common characteristics, idiosyncrasies shared among Gifted Kids, whether labelled Gifted or not; Knowledge comes easily, intuitively. Possessive of an analogical, metaphorical, big picture way of seeing things. An early understanding of empathy. Idealistic, perfectionistic. Fidgety. Open minded. Vivid imaginations. High sensitivities, to surrounding sounds, smells, lights. They may not see answers in black or white, but instead varying spectrum, textures, context, degrees, levels. Questioning everything. Non-conforming. Tend to challenge authority. Little rebels, fitting the idiom Square Pegs In The Round Holes.

And maybe even a little socially awkward, being an introvert here or an extrovert there. They’re their own worst enemy imagining social interaction. Or maybe that’s just the social anxiety. Oh, & having an off the wall humour.

They may also seem beyond their years, like little adults, but again — they’re just freakin’ children.


So for those fortunate enough to get labelled Gifted, this enriched education includes fun shit, of field trips to museums, first looks at new tech, or chess tournaments. With the weird stuff, like conducting odd science experiments, or dissecting animals. Plus the unique activities, of exercises in critical thinking, deciphering context, identifying fallacious reasoning used in debating, or creating fake news. Even just the beneficiary — which really should be accessible to all in general education — like learning about Universes outside of Pluto, & looking into expensive telescopes that will show you.

There’s also all that annoying bullshit that comes with being labelled a Gifted Kid, alongside the complex emanating from it; A unique anxiety from the pressures of just living up to it. This embarrassing fear of failure, or paralyzing perfectionism, resulting in crippling indecision. Imposter Syndrome. Building impenetrable defensive mechanisms. Simply asking for help. Self-confidence, & self-esteem issues. Self-imposed ridiculously high expectations from being labelled Gifted made even higher by parents or peers or teachers from an ingrained competitive nature that results in anything short of affirmation or first or perfect as a soul crushing failure. The If You’re So Smart, Then conundrum, or the They’re Smart, They’ll Be Fine enigma.

And of course, the ostracizing for even being in a Gifted Program.


Gifted Education is the segregated program, enriched for kids to get the most out of it. There are varying styles; Gifted Schools, entirely. Others with several Gifted Classes a day, or pulled out one day a week, or even Saturdays. Plainly, Grade Skipping, is the simple solution to crucial acceleration.

Then there are all these odd acronyms for these Gifted Programs: G&T, GATE, TAG, T&G. APPLE. ATLAS. CHIPS GAT HATS LEAP QUEST SPACE — No, that wasn’t a bout of Tourette’s. These cute little code words have been established by conscious program administrators who know how loaded the label can be, trying to spare kids from the stigma of the G word.

This technically Special Education however it’s coined, is essential to the growth of Gifted Kids; Harvesting intellectual energy, harnessing emotional intensity, channeling unique abilities into a positive output in the company of cut-from-the-same-cloth peers.


So if you’re lucky enough to even get into a Gifted Program, there is a next level of Gifted Problems that stem from just existing in said segregated Gifted Education. Being seen as “Special”. Used as an unpaid TA. Missing out completely on easy lessons, because with an incongruent education plan you just never came across them. Coasting along a curriculum then hitting a wall, as you never really learned how to properly develop real studying habits for all the shit you didn’t actually know. Ergo growing qualities, like grit, perseverance, & resiliency. And developing a fixed mindset, versus growth.

Gifted isn’t meant to be some sort of secret elitist shit, as pretentious as helicopter parents might make it. Then again, there are Gifted Kids who don’t even get a fair chance to get labelled, so that doesn’t quell that perception.

There is especially an underrepresentation of diversity in Gifted Programs, of kids who may not “look” Gifted. Either from disadvantaged backgrounds, postal code, skin tone, twice-exceptionalism, or the perceived difference between being bored vs. lazy.

It’s not like there’s that accurate, diverse mainstream model out there, that encourages administrators to look outside the archetypical box to identify Gifted Kids, who would greatly benefit from a specialized Gifted education.

Why yes, Gifted Programs are another aspect to diversity intersectionality.

Then there is that irony, for all the kids kicked out of a Gifted Program, for a lack of effort, or focus, or trouble-making stemming from boredom. Gifted Kids will rebel, & slack off, & underachieve if not empowered, gallivanting aimlessly, & resulting in the antithesis of the Gifted Program — Untapped potential. An underrated at-risk student population, are Gifted Kids.


A lot of guardians don’t know the baggage that emanates from being in a Gifted Program. They think it includes a perceived prestige, bragging rights, an imaginary pedestal to be put up onto — A pseudo social status. But in actuality? Socially worth jack, as if getting the label is a precursor to guaranteed success, or something cool on a résumé. It’s not.

But, Start A Program For Gifted Children, & Every Parent Demands That Their Child Be Enrolled.

Gifted is a paradox in its cognitive nature, with particular problems among Gifted Kids somewhat common. Like thinking faster than your hands, coming off as sloppy handwriting. Knowing the answers, yet unable to show the solution. Feeling different, weird or even wrong, like you don’t ever belong. Being blunt, naïve, too smart for their own good. Then, the bullying aspect, either being bullied, or even being a bully. Plus the classic dumbing down just to fit in — Girls uniquely — hiding potent intelligence.

Then, the mental health aspects of being Intellectually Gifted, something not thought about in as children. Sleepless nights spent pondering the existence of life. Getting up for another day of an ennui elementary. Sparking angst, flaring existential crises. Unique, & common, is an Existential Depression in Gifted Children.

Maybe, rediscovery of being a Gifted Kid, only happens in adult psychotherapy! But this Gifted childhood sets the stages for manifestations, of anxiety, depression, bi-polar, eating disorders, OCD, or schizophrenia, among others, that materializes in their 20’s when mental health issues usually tend to set in.

If, not being muddied by misdiagnosis, or over medication, from professionals confusing Intellectual Giftedness, with mental disorders.

Then, there are the extreme cases correlated to Gifted Kids; Risks of dropping out. Suicide. Committing Columbine. As resourceful as Gifted Programs are, even at these upper limits of intelligence, kids can still slip through the cracks.Or entrepreneurially deal crack, or experimentally do drugs. Or pot. Or alcohol. Because that’s how curious Gifted Kids roll, more prone than average, towards experimenting, like creatively problem solving hypersensitivity problems by doing marijuana.

But all in all, as dark the implications in Gifted Kids are, in trying to unearth the rare commodity of fulfilled potential, there is that other side of the Double Edged Sword: The shiny sexy side of fruition. The fortune, success, & realizing the blessings of uniquely high intelligence. Or even, the ultimate life goal, of realizing personal happiness.

But usually, the most successful Intellectually Gifted Kids all grown up into Adults don’t attribute being successful to being Intellectually Gifted to begin with.


Who really knows? Because again, no one wants to admit to being “Gifted” in public. Fear of bragging, or embarrassing stereotyping, among the preconceived notions surrounding the stigmatic subject. Especially when they’re grown ass adults, with bills to pay, worlds to change, &/or kids to feed. Ah, & that’s when some of these adults only realize their own Intellectual Giftedness — when they see it in their heredity.

It doesn’t help with this trend of anti-intellectualism, that popular culture doesn’t exactly have diverse figures that promote & empower Gifted Kids outside troubled or bland stereotypes… Bazingo! It’s hard enough there are people out there looking to Raise Their IQ By Eating Gifted Children. Not to mention the harsh realities of all the Good Will Hunting’s, without the corny Boston-MIT-Matt Damon setting.

But slowly, smart, Hidden Figures are starting to pop up to look up to, & say F Society. And there will always be Marvel’s X-Men, & Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters being the ultimate pop analogy for actually Gifted Kids. But at the end of the day, whatever anybody chooses to do, You Can Be Intellectually Gifted, And Still Be Morally Bankrupt.

As a sample size, what do some of these Gifted Kids end up doing?

They become: Architects, Construction Workers. Actresses, Artists. Comedians, House Wives. Baseball Statisticians, Brain Damaging Football Players, Skateboarders. Educators, Inventors, Language Creators. Journalists, Janitors. Models, Escorts, Porn Stars. Producers, Radio Hosts. Rockers, Rappers, Singers. Scientists, Cancer Researchers. Lawyers, Murderers. Politicians, Soldiers. Professional Wrestlers, Professional Fighters. CEOs, Founders. Renaissance Jills, Jack Of All Trades. Job Hoppers, rejected VICE Writers.

Because again, it doesn’t really matter. Gifted isn’t about achievement, anyways. So whatever Gifted Kids grow up to do, they’re probably still smart ass about it. And, just like everything ever — It’s different when it’s earned, & when it’s gifted.

An ongoing Twitter Moments experimentation, featuring said sample size, of some of the most #Gifted Tweets.

So, What Happened? I still don’t know. But, I do know no one really gives a shit about “Gifted”. As a “former” labelled Gifted Kid, it would have been cool to know though, that there are people who have a clue about what it’s actually like to go through. Now, as an adult, realizing that Gifted Kids, grow up Gifted… Even I can still put 2 & 2 together, & realize that it really is, #GIFTED 4 LIFE.



J. Roca
Writer for

I AM spending my whole life Good Will Hunting! (EXcept I’m bad & Fucking Matt Damon is Hollywood BS) Destined to Run This Town TOnight… #TeamGifted #GIFTED4LIFE