7 Signs That You Are Overwhelmed By Corporate Gifting

Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2021

Don’t let corporate gifting become a burden.

In the past few months, there were two big occasions for corporate gifting: Christmas and the Lunar New Year. These were great opportunities to express appreciation and strengthen business relationships for enterprises and yet, it may have been a burdensome experience for gift organizers during the holiday season.

Here are 7 signs that you might be experiencing burnout because of gifting:

  1. Your email box is full of junk mails
  2. Well-designed gifts seem ordinary to you
  3. Picking gifts is no longer a joy but feels like a chore
  4. You struggle to get suitable gifts within the budget
  5. You delivered a gift on your own
  6. You know the shipping fee for each retailer too well
  7. You need a spreadsheet to manage all the gifts

1. Your email inbox is full of junk mails

Browsed hundreds of gifting websites? Given your email to track orders? No matter how carefully you chose to not tick the “receive any promotional information/ news” box, we bet your email inbox is full of advertisement emails on a daily basis.

2. Even the most well-designed gifts seem ordinary to you

If your company designs its own gifts, it is very likely that the design team has put a lot of effort into them. However, when you are exhausted from arranging and sending gifts, you probably cannot appreciate how good-looking and well-designed they are. In your eyes, they are just ordinary items that you want to get rid of ASAP.

3. Picking gifts is no longer a joy but feels like a chore

Picking a gift for someone should be a delightful experience — browsing, choosing the packaging, adding a handwritten note, and waiting for the gift to be delivered…etc.

What’s better than buying gifts on a corporate budget so you don’t have to spend a dime on it? But when you are overwhelmed with corporate gifting, it is easy to feel like gifting is just a chore, a task to be finished on the to-do list rather than a joyful mission.

Photo by Austin Moncada on Unsplash

4. You struggle to get suitable gifts within the budget

It is always challenging to choose a suitable gift within the budget. It is even more stressful if you have multiple budgets for different groups of gift recipients. Is the gift appropriate? Does it look impressive? Will they actually use it? Is it too ordinary that it will be forgotten? These thoughts must have running through your head when you shopped for corporate gifts.

5. You delivered a gift on your own

Generally speaking, corporate gifting doesn’t require showing up at the recipients’ doorsteps unless they are a VIP. However, there are unusual situations such as the courier is not available or the gift delivery is urgent. It easily can take you half a day just to send one gift. No to mention the energy that you waste on carrying the gift and the commute.

6. You know the shipping fee for each retailer all too well

Unless you are a real shopaholic, it is quite impossible to remember all the shipping conditions of most online retailers out there. If you do, you might have sent one too many gifts at work.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

7. You need a spreadsheet to manage all the gifts

All the people out there who are responsible for corporate gifts can relate to this. When you need to send more than just a few gifts, it is absolutely essential to keep track of each gift, including the receivers’ names, title, address, etc. All details have to be carefully recorded to make sure each gift was sent to the right person at the right time.

Giftpack AI knows how time-consuming and stressful it is to arrange corporates gifts and you deserve to tool that makes sending gifts enjoyable again. No more spreadsheets or delivery on your own, with Giftpack, an AI-powered gifting platform. You can give receivers gifts that they will actually appreciate without time-consuming research since gift options are tailor-made for them based on their digital footprints and keywords. Once they claim their gift, the international logistic system will deliver the gift to any corner of the world. Try the free trial to get a taste of innovative gifting solutions today.

