Top 17 Corporate Gifting Platforms [2023 Updated Version]

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17 min readJan 16, 2022

In the world of business, relationships play a pivotal role in success. Establishing and nurturing connections with clients, partners, and employees is essential for long-term growth. One effective way to foster these relationships is through corporate gifting. In this article, we will explore the significance of corporate gifting in building strong business relationships. We will delve into its benefits, discuss various types of corporate gifts, provide insights on investing in a corporate gifting service, and highlight the top 17 corporate gifting platforms available today.

1. Corporate Gifting: The Whos and Whats

Corporate gifting refers to the act of presenting gifts to clients, partners, or employees with the aim of expressing gratitude, appreciation, or fostering goodwill. It serves as a tangible reminder of your business’s commitment and strengthens the bonds between all parties involved. Corporate gifting offers numerous benefits, including customer retention and employee satisfaction.

Customer Retention: By expressing appreciation through well-thought-out gifts, you create a lasting impression on your customers. They feel valued and are more likely to remain loyal to your brand. Employee Appreciation: Corporate gifting is an excellent way to recognize and reward the hard work of your employees. It boosts morale, motivation, and overall job satisfaction.

Corporate gifts can take various forms, such as promotional products and personalized items. Promotional products allow you to showcase your brand and increase brand awareness. Personalized items, on the other hand, add a personal touch, making recipients feel special and valued.

2. Investing in a Corporate Gifting Service

There is a saying: “People won’t remember what you did for them or to them, but they will always remember how that makes them feel.”

Even more so when it comes to corporate gifting. After a certain amount of time, your recipients might not remember what gifts they got from you, but they will always remember the experience in that moment!

That is why gifting is all about creating a memorable experience. But to do so, you will have to start by personalizing.

Corporate gifting is not an easy task.

Many enterprises and medium-size companies hire a very specific position, Total Reward Manager, to handle everything related to the happiness of the employees. That includes employee benefits, mental health, salary packages, as well as employee gifting.

Others professionals in organizations, like sales and marketers, also send gifts to clients and prospects from time to time to maintain the connections.

Certainly, business owners and startups always have the need to send gifts to their shareholders and potential investors.

With all that said, it’s clear that picking the right gift… or even just picking a gift could be a nightmare for many people, because of how much time and efforts are needed. That is why we believe during the holidays, gift picking and sending is actually a full-time job!

People who are responsible for corporate gifting never have enough time to invest in thinking about which gifts are appropriate for which recipients, especially when they have never met the recipients before. Not to mention the amount of gifts they usually have to take care of is often in the hundreds in a single corporate gifting campaign.

This is where corporate gifting platforms shine. Enlisting a corporate gifting platform to do the work, you will save time and cut down on the costs. You will also reduce the stress and burden of picking gifts, so you can focus on making connections that matter.

In current times, corporate gifting platforms are evolving. Many of them have come to a stage where they are no longer merely a platform on which you can pick and buy gifts. These professional gifting platforms have the potential to accomplish more than just gifting, and can very well become your all-in-one workspace for gifting.

In this article, we will go into the details of top 10 corporate gifting platforms that can potentially be the solution to your gifting challenges, and explain why they are on the top of the list.

3. Finding the perfect corporate gifting platform

Corporate gifting platforms are your one-stop-shop for all things related to the corporate gifting process. Different companies cover varying aspects of this process. Common features include data analytics, gift selection, customization, order tracking, and delivery. These services summarize your company’s return on investment (ROI) and give insight into the impact of gifting with trackable metrics.

Finding the right corporate gifting partnership that fits with your gifting process is crucial for long-term success. You are making an investment. Protect it by making an informed decision. Here are 7 considerations when choosing to work with a corporate gifting service to ensure your gift won’t miss the mark:

  1. Service coverage
  2. Customer Service
  3. API integration
  4. Scalability
  5. Personalization
  6. Pricing
  7. Goal alignment

1. Service Coverage

To what extent does the gifting company cover the holistic gifting process?

You’re looking for a business to help ease your pain. Think about how much coverage you are seeking. Some companies do it all from product sourcing to post-shipment customer care. You can have peace of mind knowing someone reliable is assisting your gifting needs. Others only provide solutions for gift curation and personalization. Many platforms allow a combination of services depending on your specific requirements and your budget.

2. Customer Service

How do they treat you, or anyone else at all?

How a company treats its customers is the best way to peek into the future possible challenges that you might face with them.

Review the platform’s customer service. You and your gift recipients are their customers. Look for any reviews or directly ask someone who uses the gifting service about what they like and dislike about the service. And match the advantages and disadvantages to your needs to see if it fits your company overall.

3. API Integration

How easy is it to use?

Whether the platform is user-friendly or not is definitely an important thing to consider. The purpose is to assist you in making corporate gifting easier, so it would be ironic and unprofessional for the service to be hard to use.

4. Scalability

Is it scalable for your purpose?

When you are thinking about corporate gifting, you must think about how you can send to a number of people at once — that is scalability. Many companies need to send to more than 500, or even 1000 employees, or clients. If your company is small, you will probably have less options.

5. Personalization

What branding or personalization offerings are there?

Gift personalization or customization is something that most businesses are looking for when it comes to corporate gifting. Clients and employees are getting the same gifts every Thanksgiving, it is hard to stand out from others. Of course, the best way for them to remember you is to send them gifts that they actually want or need at that given time.

Delving into the company’s options and asking yourself if the gifting platform matches what you are seeking. You should make note of their branding practices. Inquire about whether they can make adjustments to the presence of logos and branding to prevent your gift from becoming tacky.

6. Goal alignment

What are the goals for your gifting campaign?

Your gifts should be sent with a purpose. Usually, for employee appreciation, client gifting, company anniversary. Or for holidays like Mother’s Day and Christmas.

7. Pricing

Are you getting the most value?

Last but definitely not least, you must find something affordable. You can also start by looking for the service that is within your budget, so you eliminate the ones that are well over your budget for gifting.

Examine the pricing structure and understand how you are paying for the service. Then compare it to your budget to see if it’s worthwhile. Also take a look at the quality gifts that are available within your budget.

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4. Top 17 Corporate Gifting Platform

There are many corporate gifting platforms out there to help you maximize your ROI, elevate your sales, and fortify your relationships. These platforms take a holistic view and take care of nearly all aspects of the gifting process. Most importantly they all give the sender or the recipient a choice in the gift selection. In today’s digital age, reporting metrics are vital to track the impact of your gifting strategy.

Thus, many gifting platforms include services such as gift tracking and satisfaction reviews. Most offer an API integration with your existing CRM to make your experience as seamless as possible so you can focus on the human aspect of engaging with employees, clients, or prospects.

We’ve sifted through the noise to highlight the top 17 you can consider:

  1. Snacknation
  2. Sendoso
  3. Alyce
  4. Snappy Gifts
  5. Giftpack
  6. Swagup
  8. &Open
  9. Loop & Tie
  10. Offineeds
  11. Uncommon Goods
  12. Caroo
  13. Lula’s Garden
  14. Tinggly
  16. Xperience Days
  17. Teak & Twine

1. Snacknation

Snacknation makes it their mission to find exciting, healthy, and delicious snack brands and connect like-minded people with the perfect snack bowl for them. From the snack selection to corporate culture and relationships, Snacknation’s goal is to create memorable experiences.

Audience: customers, clients, employees

Exclusive: WTF snack box, health snack choices

Standout Features:

  • Abundant amount of snack selection and recommendations.
  • Provision of healthy snack choices to allow the givers to send with care.
  • Flexibility to send snack gifts to homes or offices.


2. Sendoso

Sendoso is the all-in-one service option for businesses beyond just gifting needs. It stores and ships direct mail, company swag, and customer gifts to recipients worldwide whilst tracking ROIs. Their extensive features emphasize sending unique experiences and gifts for any corporate needs. Integration with popular applications ensures a seamless experience with existing customer relationship management systems while staying compliant with data protection legislation. Sendoso is a powerful platform that blends logistics with automation to help businesses engage with customers.

Audience: customers, employees, prospects, partners

Exclusive: branded packaging, hand-written notes

Standout Features:

  • Gifting options made flexible with individual items to custom gift boxes.
  • Virtual experiences and events as options.
  • eGift reward for scheduling and attending a meeting.


3. Alyce

Alyce uses AI technology to suggest unique gifts for recipients who can accept, exchange, or donate their gift options. The brand focuses on quality connections by specializing in the sending of hyper-personalized gifts, swag, direct mail, and invitations to recipients. Alyce starts every interaction with either a physical or digital invitation. Like other platforms, it can measure and track gifts to attribute ROI.

Audience: customers, prospects, partners

Exclusive: pre-and-post gift CTA

Standout Features:

  • Pre-gift (ex: book a meeting) or post-gift (ex: satisfaction survey) call-to-action.
  • Marketplace of swag items to give recipients the choice to choose which item(s) they want.
  • Systematic process for recipients to accept, exchange, or donate their gifts.


4. Snappy Gifts

Snappy is an experience-driven employee gifting service for corporations looking to inject a little fun into their gifting process. Employers choose their price range to set a collection of redeemable gifts recipients can select from. These curated gifts range from a variety of local experiences to artisan products so there is sure to be something for everyone.

Audience: employees

Exclusive: experience-focused gift options

Standout Features:

  • Unique Gift redemption process. Employees are given a digital scratch card to unveil their recommended gift chosen by their employer.
  • Reimbursement on the unclaimed gifts.
  • Pre-swap gifts option for recipients to choose anything else in the collection within the same price range if they are not happy with the first choice.


  • Product
  • Contact service to find out about their pricing.

5. Giftpack AI

Giftpack AI is an AI-powered corporate gifting platform specializing personalization at scale and global gifting to amplify the impact of gifts. The company simplifies the gifting process by utilizing AI technology to analyze each recipient’s digital footprint or answers based on surveys to select the most appropriate gift. The curated pool of 3.5 million products caters to all types of audiences and a variety of occasions.

Giftpack operates globally so recipients can claim and receive their gifts anywhere in the world. They also have the option of donating the gift budget to a charity if they wish to. The company takes care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts to help strengthen business relationships, making the corporate gifting easier than ever.

Audience: customers, employees, prospects, partners

Exclusive: AI Personalization, Global Shopping, Scenario Boxes, built-in CRM

Standout Features:

  • Extensive gift options (over 3.5 million options) plus customizable swags.
  • Scenario Boxes with outstanding design.
  • Global sourcing, manufacturing, and shipping with no restrictions. (no expensive logistics costs)
  • Smart eGfit Card exchangeable with over 200 global countries.
  • Free AI gifting assistant questionnaires to help increase accuracy of the system.
  • AI-powered gift picking for saving time and human resources by generating personalized options instantly at scale.
  • Built-in CRM system allowing clients to directly manage and communicate with recipients.


Take a quick look at how Giftpack works:

6. Swagup

Swagup is specializes in the art of the perfect custom gift boxes. This company streamlines all gifting processes by designing, distributing, and storing swag packs. All in all, their services and products help you professionally design and develop merchandise that perfectly suits the hopes, dreams and aspirations of your delighted clients and employees.

Audience: employees, customers, clients

Exclusive: swag gifts storage space

Standout features:

  • Packs of swag gifts with choices to make any customized changes.
  • Free storage space for customers to keep their gifts for a certain period of time.
  • Packages designed for gift boxes to enhance the receiving experience.


7. is a platform and marketplace for enterprises looking to buy gifts directly from vendors or customize gifting on-demand. Senders can either pre-select a gift for recipients or give them the power of picking a gift from a designated selection. Its versatile platform organizes contacts, gifting progress, and product catalog rules.

Audience: employees, clients

Exclusive: high level of branding customization

Standout Features:

  • Products available in catalog with option to filter different product types.
  • Variety of “Shop By” options including turnaround time, interest, brand, occasions, and minimum quantity.
  • Custom gift assembly with branding and warehousing and fulfillment capabilities.


  • Product
  • Contact service to find out about their pricing.

8. &Open

&Open aims to inspire loyalty by offering a fully customizable gifting experience for both companies and recipients. Thel gifting platform offers both physical and digital gifts with options catered to the company’s brand voice and ethos. They also provide the option to send a custom-made physical gift with their partners or your own company’s branded products with their commerce platform integrations. Digital alternatives include cash or subscriptions to popular services. The corporate gifting platform helps to make interaction with customers easy by offering to communicate gifting links through email, integrated messaging, and social media direct messages. &Open also values sustainability through their high quality, responsibly sourced items from local areas and a few abroad areas.

Audience: customers, clients, employees

Exclusive: digital gifts

Standout Features:

  • Fun recipient’s experience to spark greater interaction during the gift claiming process.
  • Worldwide distribution with customs and duties paid by the time gifts are delivered.
  • Package with biodegradable protection.


9. Loop & Tie

Loop & Tie aims to increase customer loyalty through its comprehensive system taking care of gift curation, shipping, and analytics. Senders pick a collection of items they want to give based on their budget and theme. These collections are curated by their gifting experts or senders can customize to their requirements. Recipients are the final decision-makers with the choice of selecting the gift as they “shop” in the collection.

Audience: customers

Exclusive: curated collections

Standout Features:

  • Curated gifts from small makers, social impact creators, and artisans.
  • Option to customize content within the e-card with the company logo.
  • Gift collections available to send to thousands of people simultaneously.


10. Offineeds

Offineeds is innovative corporate gifting solutions for improving employee engagement and brand building. They help organizations to improve employee engagement level with corporate gifting and rewards systems. Currently, serving 2000+ medium to large businesses.

Audience: customers, medium to large-sized organizations

Exclusive: 20,000 sq ft, state-of-the-art operations center with UV Printing, DTF Apparel Printing, Sublimation Printing, Pad Printing, Laser Engraving, and Embroidery

Standout Features:

  • Fully customized store for your Company Merchandise
  • Order Status Updates over Email, SMS & Tracking Pages
  • Customized company store for employees with 2,000+ gift options
  • Free Pan-India Delivery over a certain budget


  • Product
  • Pricing starts from $1,230, contact service to find out about their pricing.

11. Uncommon Goods

Uncommon Goods caters to businesses looking for unique and eco-friendly corporate gifts. Their offerings appeal to a wide range of recipients, making them suitable for diverse audiences.

Audience: employees, clients, partners

Exclusive: Uncommon Goods stands out as a corporate gifting platform due to its emphasis on eco-friendly and handmade products. Their commitment to sustainability makes them an excellent choice for businesses looking to align their gifts with environmentally conscious values.

Standout Features:

  • Uncommon Goods offers a wide selection of eco-friendly gifts, allowing businesses to make a positive impact on the environment while expressing appreciation.
  • Their products are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, adding a personal and artistic touch to each gift.
  • Uncommon Goods prides itself on offering gifts that are out of the ordinary, ensuring that recipients receive something truly special and memorable.


12. Caroo

Caroo is designed for businesses seeking convenient and customizable gift box options. Their offerings cater to businesses of all sizes, providing flexibility in choosing the right gift boxes.

Audience: employees, clients, customers, partners

Exclusive: Caroo specializes in curated gift boxes, making them a standout corporate gifting platform. They focus on creating a memorable unboxing experience that leaves a lasting impression on recipients.

Standout Features:

  • Caroo offers a diverse selection of gift boxes, allowing businesses to choose the perfect fit for different occasions and recipients.
  • They provide options to personalize gift boxes with branding, messages, and additional items, making each gift feel truly unique.
  • Caroo carefully curates the contents of each gift box, ensuring high-quality products that reflect the values and intentions of the sender.


13. Lula’s Garden

Lula’s Garden appeals to businesses that want to incorporate the beauty of nature into their corporate gifting. Their plant and garden options are suitable for recipients who appreciate greenery and sustainability.

Audience: clients, partners, employees

Exclusive: Lula’s Garden specializes in offering various plant and garden options as corporate gifts. Their visually appealing and long-lasting gifts bring the freshness of nature to recipients’ lives.

Standout Features:

  • Lula’s Garden provides a range of plant options, from succulents to air plants, allowing businesses to choose gifts that suit different preferences and care requirements.
  • Each gift from Lula’s Garden is elegantly arranged and packaged, creating an aesthetically pleasing and memorable unboxing experience.
  • Their plants require minimal care, making them ideal for recipients who appreciate the beauty of nature but have limited time for maintenance.


14. Tinggly

Tinggly targets businesses seeking unique and experiential corporate gifts. Their offerings are suitable for recipients who value adventure, exploration, and creating memorable experiences.

Audience: adventure-loving clients, employees, and partners

Exclusive: Tinggly stands out as a corporate gifting platform due to its focus on experiences and activities rather than physical gifts. They offer a wide range of exciting experiences for recipients to enjoy.

Standout Features:

  • Tinggly provides an extensive collection of experiences, including adventure sports, spa treatments, cultural tours, and more, ensuring there is something for everyone.
  • Experiences offered by Tinggly create lasting memories for recipients, allowing them to embark on thrilling adventures or indulge in rejuvenating activities.
  • Tinggly offers flexibility in experience selection, allowing recipients to choose from a variety of options based on their preferences and location.


15. targets businesses looking for promotional products and merchandise as corporate gifts. Their offerings are suitable for companies seeking to promote their brand and leave a lasting impression.

Audience: prospects, clients, employees, and partners

Exclusive: specializes in promotional products and merchandise, making them a go-to platform for businesses looking to showcase their brand through corporate gifting.

Standout Features:

  • offers a wide range of promotional products and merchandise, including apparel, accessories, tech gadgets, and more, allowing businesses to find items that align with their brand identity.
  • They provide options for branding and customization, allowing businesses to imprint their logos or messages on the chosen products, creating brand visibility and recognition.
  • ensures the quality of their products, reflecting positively on the businesses that gift them.


16. Xperience Days

Xperience Days caters to businesses looking to gift unique experiences and activities. Their offerings are suitable for recipients who enjoy exploring new interests and indulging in exciting adventures.

Audience: clients, partners, and employees with a sense of adventure or a love for trying new things

Exclusive: Xperience Days specializes in providing a wide range of experience and activity options as corporate gifts, offering recipients the opportunity to try something new and memorable.

Standout Features:

  • Xperience Days offers an extensive range of experiences, including cooking classes, outdoor adventures, spa retreats, and more, ensuring there is something for every interest.
  • They provide options for personalizing experiences based on the recipient’s preferences, allowing businesses to create truly tailored gifts.
  • Xperience Days’ gifts allow recipients to create cherished memories, fostering a sense of adventure and exploration.


17. Teak & Twine

Teak & Twine caters to businesses seeking elegant and sophisticated gift box options. Their offerings are suitable for recipients who appreciate beautifully presented and curated gifts.

Audience: clients, partners, employees

Exclusive: Teak & Twine specializes in creating stunning gift boxes, making them a standout corporate gifting platform for businesses looking to impress their recipients with visually appealing gifts.

Standout Features:

  • Teak & Twine offers a range of gift box options, including options for different occasions, themes, and recipient preferences, ensuring businesses can find the perfect fit.
  • Their gift boxes are carefully curated, combining complementary items that create a cohesive and delightful gifting experience.
  • Teak & Twine gift boxes are beautifully designed and packaged, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to each gift.


5. Corporate Gift Suppliers

While there are many corporate gift suppliers in the market, a few stand out as popular choices. Caroo, Lula’s Garden, and Tinggly have gained recognition for their unique offerings and exceptional services. Caroo specializes in gift boxes, providing businesses with a variety of options to choose from. Lula’s Garden offers stunning plant and garden options that bring the beauty of nature to corporate gifting. Tinggly focuses on experiences and activities, allowing businesses to gift unforgettable memories to their recipients.

However, among the many options available, Giftpack stands out as a renowned name in global corporate gifting. With a streamlined ordering process and customization options, we ensure a user-friendly and hassle-free experience for businesses, making everything simple and efficient. Our excellence in corporate gifting shines through as we skillfully tailor our services to meet the needs and goals of each business globally.

Make your gifting efficient and improve your ROI with Giftpack AI.

Visit our product page to experience the exceptional corporate gifting solutions we offer. Discover a comprehensive range of gift options, advanced AI technology, commitment to sustainability, and user-friendly ordering process. Make a lasting impression with personalized and environmentally conscious gifts by choosing Giftpack as your corporate gifting platform.

