What is corporate gifting and why is it important?

Victoria Pi
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2020

Do not underestimate the power of corporate gifting.

Photo by Kasturi Roy on Unsplash

What is corporate gifting?

Corporate gifting is the practice of interacting with a customer, employee, prospective client, or partner through a gift to express gratitude and appreciation. There are endless gifting possibilities including gift cards, swag products, and premium items depending on the occasion and job title of the recipient.

The purpose of gifting is to make an impression and create a connection with the recipient. Stand out with personalized gifts to attract clients and customers and to retain employees and partners. People love receiving gifts because it makes them feel valued and recognized for their impact. Harvard Business Review emphasizes the importance of individual recognition in showing thanks because group acknowledgement leaves people feeling distanced from their individual contribution to achievements. Even the smallest act of gifting, such as a hand-written note, conveys unspoken meaning and emotion.

Why is important?

In business, it’s about people. It’s about relationships. — Kathy Ireland

A popular saying within the business industry is “people do business with people they know, like, and trust.” People have a tendency to buy from companies they’ve heard of and develop trust over time from the first point of contact. When delivered authentically, corporate gifts can accomplish several different outcomes.

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash
  1. Build, maintain and strengthen relationships

The first step in building relationships is having the other party aware of your business. Brand awareness is essential in spreading the word about what you do. Openly sharing information online and having it be as accessible as possible helps your audience understand what you do and curious to learn more. Get people to know who you are to start establishing trust.

Gifting can be the first step in building and nurturing new connections. For instance, in sales, you may gift a competitive potential client as a way to book the first meeting or follow-up from a meeting. You want to distinguish yourself from countless other people by gifting strategically. Your gift serves as a reminder of the recipient’s importance and an affirmation of your gratitude. People are impressionable, so it’s imperative to set the right tone at the beginning of a working relationship.

When using gifts to maintain and strengthen relationships, the underlying message you’re sending is different compared to the start. Whether you’re gifting employees, clients, or customers, you want to emphasize your appreciation for them. Your intention behind each gift may differ depending on your audience. Gifts sent should aim to create a memorable experience as small personalized details go a long way in supporting the recipient to feel valued and seen in their efforts.

2. Develop vital business connections by bridging physical distance barriers

With the onset of remote work and social distancing, physical interactions have become more difficult to achieve. Businesses have all been impacted with some struggling to stay afloat and others capitalizing on the opportunities presented by the pandemic. Either way, companies are still actively looking to form connections and gifts are a suitable way to start or continue a conversation. A small token can keep your business top-of-mind and remind recipients you’re there to help.

For example, employees can feel removed from their roles and more isolated than before as they adjust to changes brought about by the pandemic. Social interaction is essential to the mental well-being of people, but it can be difficult to replicate the in-office contact online. There are various ways to boost employee morale during COVID-19, and one of them is gifting. The sending and sharing of gifts to employees can decrease feelings of disconnection and motivate the workforce. Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness like a thoughtful handwritten card mailed in the post can make someone feel their contributions are being recognized.

3. Reinforce how much you value your contacts

Communicate your appreciation to your contacts for all their contributions to your business. Send personalised gifts to customers to say “thank you” for their patronage. Recognize clients for their support and engagement with your business. Gift employees to reward them for their exceptional work. Utilize gifts to motivate your workforce on top of existing incentives to increase sales and revenue. Unlike incentives, gifts have no preconditions to fulfill and can be given for any occasion.

With corporate gifting, you can earn trust through authentic and meaningful exchanges that celebrate your relationships. Boost all aspects of your business operations by fostering every step of the like, know, and trust concepts in forming long-lasting business relations with strategic gifts.

