Creamiest Root Vegetable Soup | Recipe | Gig House Kitchen

A perfect dinner for the whole family and can be ready in just 45 minutes…

Sammie Eastwood
Gig House Cookbook


Photo courtesy of Gig House Kitchen on YouTube

Not only is this Root Vegetable Soup delicious and filling, it is also incredibly quick and easy to make. In just 45 minutes you can have this warming dish on your table, helping you and your family to pack in your 5-a-day with this veggie filled delight.

This soup is filled with fibre, vitamins and a good amount of protein (that’s unless you skip the cheese) that is tasty enough it could trick even the fussiest person into eating their vegetables. If you want to know how I made this delightful autumn-coloured soup, keep reading.

What you need for this recipe

Another great thing about this recipe is that it only requires a few tools.

These include:

  • a large saucepan (ideally heavy bottomed with a lid)
  • a baking dish (glass or mental is fine)
  • something to peel and chop the vegetables (such as a peeler and sharp kitchen knife)
  • an immersion blender (or a food or cup blender will also work).

If you are using a heavy bottomed pan, such as a dutch oven, you can roast your vegetables without the use of a roasting tin. You can an also make this recipe entirely on the hob, if you would prefer not to use the oven.

Although, roasting the vegetables will enhance the flavour and make the soup extra tasty.

Watch the video

Video courtesy of Gig House Kitchen on YouTube


For the soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 Large Butternut Squash
  • 6 Medium Carrots
  • 1 Medium Onion
  • 1 Small Head of Garlic
  • 500ml Stock (Chicken or Vegetable)
  • 500ml Boiling Water
  • 200g Soft Goats Cheese (Optional)
  • 2 tsps Vegetable Oil
  • Salt & Pepper (to taste)


To begin you will need to pre-heat your oven to 180°C (fan) or Gas Mark 4.

Peel your butternut squash, carrots and onion and chop them into two centimetre pieces (all roughly the same size). Place these into the baking dish and cover with a light layer of oil, as well as season with salt and pepper.

Chop the top off the garlic head and place the garlic cut side down into your baking dish, surrounded by the other vegetables. Bake these in the oven for 20–30 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft.

Add the roasted vegetables to the saucepan and cover them with 500ml of stock and 500ml of boiling water.

Add the 200g of goat’s cheese and simmer on a medium heat for 10 minutes. (To make the soup vegan just use vegetable stock and skip the cheese).

Next, turn off the heat and blend the soup together using your chosen blender until it is thick and smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Serve the soup hot, and to make more filling, accompany with the bread of your choice.

Other variations

This soup is very versatile and can be made using various different vegetables, just switch out the butternut squash for a different vegetable to vary the flavours. This could include spinach, broccoli, chopped tomatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, the list goes on.

Just make sure the vegetable flavours complement one another otherwise you can end us with a soup that is bitter and muddy tasting. This soup is very cheap to make and is therefore great for experimenting or using up ingredients.

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Thanks for reading.



Sammie Eastwood
Gig House Cookbook

Check out my Publications - “Be A Better Writer” and “The Gig House Cookbook”.