The Gig Economy: Providing Opportunities During COVID-19

Lucy Hart
Gig Wage
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020

Right now, millions of people are losing their jobs and struggling to find employment. However, at Gig Wage we know the gig economy can serve as a safety net to catch them during this difficult time. Whether they are looking to supplement their income, find temporary work, or want to make the transition to full time gig work — the gig economy is available to workers. The gig economy is booming in certain industries right now, in order to meet the demands of the “new normal” and needs at home. Whether workers are looking for employment or looking to utilize the services the gig economy offers, the gig economy is here to support them and help during this time.

Our Founder & CEO, Craig J. Lewis, recently spoke on Good Morning Texas about the opportunities currently available in the gig economy and we have compiled his advice below on which industries people can seek work during this time.

Delivery Drivers

Right now, many individuals are looking to support local restaurants and businesses, but are not able to leave their homes due to a compromised immune system or old age. So, many are turning to delivery drivers to get necessary supplies and support businesses and these delivery companies are hiring to meet the demand. To find delivery jobs, we recommend workers search for local delivery companies in their area as well as apply with larger companies like Uber Eats, DoorDash, or GrubHub.

Mentors & Tutors

Millions of parents suddenly became teachers overnight because of COVID-19 and they need all the help they can get teaching their children. Many parents are turning to online tutors to help their kids succeed while they are learning from home. We recommend teachers, mentors, and tutors search online for tutoring positions, as well as reaching out directly to families that may need support.

Medical Professionals

There is a demand for trained medical professionals during this time. Hospitals need extra support to handle the influx in patients and are seeking qualified professionals who want to help. Telemedicine and home health also need extra support, as many who normally make visits to the doctors office are stuck at home or don’t have anyone to care for them. We advise professionals to reach out to home health companies, telemedicine providers, and hospitals to see if they are offering any temp work.

Bloggers & Online Influencers

Many companies are having to shift their marketing methods to completely online for the first time, leaving them at a loss as to how to reach new customers. Bloggers, writers, and influencers are a great tool for companies to reach customers virtually so many companies are looking to hire these freelancers quickly. We suggest these freelancers search for gigs on websites like Upwork or reach out to companies directly to see if they need this kind of support.

Online Instructors

Online classes are the new way to learn. Whether it be fitness, cooking, dance, art, or music — many people are stuck at home and want to learn something new. Many instructors are offering online classes through the company they previously worked for, but others are using outlets like Zoom to offer these classes on their own. Although it may require a shift in teaching methods, we believe there is a huge market for online instructors.

We know this is a tough time for many, which is why we are here to help guide workers to the gig economy. The future of work will provide opportunities for those who need it right now, showing our world the power the gig economy holds. We believe this rise in the gig economy has the power to shift how the world works forever after we recover from COVID-19. The opportunities are endless with the gig economy.

