Investment in the power generation sector has not achieved anything near its potential

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2 min readOct 23, 2019

180 trillion standard cubic feet proven gas reserves, yet only a fraction of this is used for power generation. To put this in perspective, 180 trillion SCF (Standard Cubic Feet) of natural gas can provide 45,000MW of power for 40 years. It is estimated that natural gas flaring associated with oil production expends far more natural gas than power generation.

So many developing countries, it is a tragedy that investment in the power generation sector has not achieved anything near its potential.

Advances in technology have improved the success rate of locating natural gas reserves. In Africa, it is often believed that only Nigeria has expansive gas reserves, however, according to a World Bank Report — Harnessing African Natural Gas, additional discoveries on both the east and west coast of the continent have ignited a lot of interest. Estimations on discovered resources in sub-Saharan Africa, put natural gas reserves at 359 trillion cubic feet.

Factors that are barriers to unlocking this potential are:

• Virtual absence of gas transportation infrastructure.

• Lack of investor appetite due to multiple risk concerns around the development of infrastructure in these developing nations.

Gigajoule Floating Solutions is an electricity generation company. It creates fully operational, gas-based power plants, floating on barges. They can be used for continuous or ‘baseload’ operation, or intermittently as ‘peaking plants’, and can be fully operational within four to ten weeks after deployment.

This takes a fraction of the time required for traditional land-based plants, yet rivals or surpasses them in efficiency, reliability and cost.

Learn more how we will implement Gigajoule project on our website!




Gigajoule Floating Solutions is an electricity generation company. It creates fully operational, gas-based power plants, floating on barges.