Siemens GT A65

Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2019

We have spent four years developing three project sites which are capable of immediate implementation, using the floating power plant technology on a bespoke basis.

Each project is designed for a 528MW installation. The technology is best-of-breed utilizing the Siemens GT A65, a 66MW gas turbine which is an aero-derivative engine commonly known as the Rolls Royce Trent with class-leading efficiency.

Over 30 years of research and development have gone into this package! As far as the reliability of the technology is concerned, the SGT-A65 has a continuous operating life of 50,000 hours (6 years) after which (in under 72 hours) the core of the turbine is removed and replaced. As a result of this reliability and the quick change-over time, Siemens, is able to provide a guarantee that the generating sets will be available to operate for the equivalent of 95% of all the hours in a twenty-year period. It can also be extended up to forty years.

Siemens is Corporate Operator, which in turn, also provides operational performance guarantees of fuel efficiency and the availability to generate power for 95% of the ‘24/365’ hours for at least 20 years.

The SGT-A65 can provide base-load power both to national electrical grids and for industrial applications!

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Gigajoule Floating Solutions is an electricity generation company. It creates fully operational, gas-based power plants, floating on barges.