What is Gigajoule floating powerhouse as a business?

Published in
1 min readNov 5, 2019

It’s very simple:

- one product-electricity is produced continuously;

- the performance of the technology is guaranteed by the manufacturer;

- electricity is sold in hard currency to one buyer (usually a sovereign state) for the duration of the contract;

- natural gas as a feedstock is transit, so any change in gas prices does not affect profitability;

- the sales tariff consists of two components: the first is the capacity fee, which is charged to the customer regardless of whether he uses electricity or not (this provides a constant flow of revenue to amortize investments and fixed costs), and the second is a variable fee that covers the cost of electricity actually used by the consumer.

Learn more about Gigajoule project on the website https://gigajoule.io/!




Gigajoule Floating Solutions is an electricity generation company. It creates fully operational, gas-based power plants, floating on barges.