Why is natural gas better?

Published in
1 min readNov 4, 2019

Combustion of natural gas in high-efficiency turbines with aviation fuel derivatives by Gigajoule technology is the cleanest way to burn all fossil fuels with the formation of small amounts of sulfur, mercury and particulate bits. Although the combustion of natural gas produces nitrogen oxides, their amount is much lower compared to the combustion of gasoline or diesel fuel used in cars. In addition to hydropower, natural gas turbine generators are the cleanest form of base-load power generation available today and in the foreseeable future.

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are certainly more environmentally friendly than burning natural gas. However, the capital costs required to meet demand and the storage challenges that accompany these technologies during periods of lack of sunlight and wind suggest that today they can only be part of a practical solution to an urgent and ever-growing problem. As wind and solar solutions improve over the coming decades, Gigajoule’s technology will quickly adapt to them to provide additional peak power during periods of lack of sunlight and wind. Do you want to know more about Gigajoule’s solution? Visit our website at https://gigajoule.io/!




Gigajoule Floating Solutions is an electricity generation company. It creates fully operational, gas-based power plants, floating on barges.