Introducing Gigantik. The Scalable Web3 platform for Enterprise Brands

Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2022

NFT Bridge is now Gigantik.

NFT Bridge? This is the platform we built to eliminate the hurdles — technical or otherwise — for brands to launch NFT projects. Over the last 12 months, we’ve launched 36 partner apps, powered gross sales over $25 million for our partner brands, minted over 1.5 million NFTs, and most importantly, worked closely with our customers to unlock the potential for Web3 and their brands.

Which brands? To name a few:

  • YouTube
  • UFC Strike (Dapper Labs)
  • NFL Team Stores (Dapper Labs)
  • NBA Top Shot — All Star VIP Auctions (Dapper Labs)
  • American Airlines
  • Vault by CNN
  • RaceDay NFT from Speedway Motorsports
  • Canes Vault from The University of Miami

We’ve also launched some of the more promising new enterprises launching on the Flow Blockchain like The Players’ Lounge and Bobblz. While you may not have known the brand behind the brands, the platform has quickly become the Web3 platform enterprise companies rely on to deliver NFT experiences for their fans.

With each new partnership, we gathered feedback and built features for every new creative idea they could conjure up. Whether it required randomized blind pack drops or virtual waiting room queues to support a 200,000 pack drop, our team built and released battle tested features that are now available to every user through the CMS dashboard.

So now it’s time we give that platform the brand identity it deserves and a name that evokes its true capabilities and the awesome potential for NFTs…Introducing Gigantik.

The state of brands and NFTs

We officially launched the platform in July 2021, but started building and forming partnerships long before that. During that time when NFTs were having their moment in the sun, everyone — and we mean everyone — was calling to get in on the action. We operate in an industry that sees a lot of hype. As a business, we’ve always resisted the urge to get swept up in that. Instead, we focus on building a solid platform that lays a foundation for sustainable growth.

The brands we work with see the opportunity to galvanize their customers and fans into communities. Their perspective shifted from NFTs purely as a direct-to-consumer product that drives revenue, to one of NFTs as vehicles for engaging and activating customers and influencers in new ways. They don’t need to rush to cash in. They are being thoughtful and strategic in how they build their own NFT strategy, because it’s not one-size fits all. They can also leverage their existing IP, partnerships, events, product lines, experiences, loyalty and rewards programs to front-load their NFTs with incredible utility.

Advoc8 x Infinite Objects x GigLabs collaborate on influencer NFT gifts

Why rebrand to Gigantik?

We needed our brand to represent how huge this opportunity is for our partners. Live event redemptions, pre-sales, token gated-access, burn challenges, collector scores, and airdrops are just a few of the features that Gigantik supports out-of-the-box. Gigantik scaled to power brands with large fanbases, such as UFC Strike on the ever-growing Flow Blockchain. By doing so, Gigantik extended advanced marketplace features to accommodate things like rarity tiers, auctions, challenges, and virtual waiting room queues to all its users. Today, Gigantik stands above as one of the most robust, scalable, feature-filled enterprise Web3 platforms on the market.

Gigantik essentially became a no-code command center for launching large scale Web3 brand strategies and unforgettable experiences tied to NFT ownership.

We believe that NFTs will completely reinvent how brands interact with their customers. NFTs go so far beyond collectibles. NFTs are the future of brand awareness, engagement, activation and loyalty. Gigantik represents the idea that brands can build massive web3 strategies to drive:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Affinity
  • Customer Activations
  • Engagement
  • Loyalty and Rewards
  • Employee Benefits
  • Community Building
  • And more

By now, every brand has heard of NFTs and someone internally is championing the ideas. We’re supporting brands by moving beyond “NFT drops” and by being a partner to unlock the potential for NFTs in achieving key customer goals.

What’s next?

We’re on record saying for some time now — “In the next decade every brand will have an NFT strategy.” Our conviction here has never been stronger. What can you do with NFTs? Well, what do you want to do with NFTs? The opportunities are endless and the potential is Gigantik.

As we continue to build this brand and onboard new partners, expect more content about what we’ve learned, how brands are activating customers with NFTs and playbooks for launching an NFT project at a large brand.

We’re excited for the future of NFTs and you should be too.

To learn more, visit



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The platform for brands and creators to launch incredible NFT projects. Building on @Flow_blockchain .