A Prospectus | Workboards

When you can’t pull people into a conference room and scribble on a whiteboard

Stowe Boyd


Update 2020–05–22 | After a bunch of briefings with vendors in the marketplace often called ‘collaborative whiteboards’ — a term I had adopted in an earlier version of this prospectus — I have decided the term is too limiting. While the solutions do provide a digital virtual whiteboard for realtime visualization and collaboration, the asynchronous use of the tools as information-centric workspaces is just as important a function. Therefore, I am offering up a new name for this niche: workboards, as in whiteboards + workspaces = workboards.

I have updated this post with that change.

Earlier in the year, I had laid out a series of reports that would have led me to dig deeply into people operations technologies (the department formerly known as human resources). However, despite my continuing interest, the coronavirus and the wholesale shift to working from home (WFH) has shifted priorities for everybody and led to a reordering of my near-term research agenda.

One of my focus areas will be the now-more-important-than-ever workboards (formerly, collaborative whiteboards): the shared visual workspaces that provide a digital equivalent of the whiteboard in the photo above and which allow teams to…



Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also workfutures.io, workings.co, and my On The Radar column.