Brief | Zenkit

A minimal — but promising — Spreadbase

Stowe Boyd


I had a few reasons to take a look at Zenkit, a product that the company (also called Zenkit) positions as online project management.

The solution is an example of what I call a spreadbase, like Airtable, Coda, and Smartsheet: apps that rely on an underlying database and with a user experience that presents spreadsheet- or document-like views over the information in the database.

Zenkit provides a variety of views, including Kanban, table, wiki, mindmap, and hierarchy.

A look at Zenkit

Here’s a Kanban example I created, capturing some research alternatives for my work for Gigaom in 2020. First, a very simple Kanban, ordering research projects by when I might undertake them. For example, a research report on People Analytics is now in production, so it appears in the Doing column.


Next, a 2D representation of the same data, but partitioned into ‘swimlanes’ based on software domains. People Analytics, HRIS/HCM, and Recruitment and Hiring: Applicant Tracking all fall into the People Operations domain.

Kanban with Swimlanes



Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also,, and my On The Radar column.