What is the Future of Work Management?

Big changes at Google, Trello, and Asana

Stowe Boyd


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

This week we have witnessed announcements from major players in work technology that independently represent giant steps in the market. But taken together they suggest nothing less than a complete reconfiguration of the work technology landscape. And, for a change, this is a radical break with the past that is not being driven by the coronavirus pandemic.

The New Gmail and the End of Pure-Play Work Management

I wrote about Google's massive reconsideration of G Suite in Google Gets Busy, where I said Google is making Gmail the center of a revolution in workplace connectivity. But I didn’t go far enough, I realized, after getting a briefing Thursday from the G Suite team. The newly reconceived Gmail is Google’s first true release of a business operating system, with communication, coordination, and cooperative work capabilities pulled into a nearly seamless experience.

Google is leveraging its strengths in search, email, calendaring, and document-centric cooperative work, and amplifying those with close integration with chat, video conferencing, and work management. All in a new Gmail framework.

The work management piece of the puzzle comes from Gmail Rooms which feel much…



Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also workfutures.io, workings.co, and my On The Radar column.