How to Order Mining Equipment with Giga Watt

Giga Watt
Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2017

We’re going to show you how to order mining equipment for the Giga Watt service, step by step.

If you already have an account at, you can order the equipment from the panel by clicking “Buy Miners”:

Or just log in at

Please note that the mining hardware store immediately notifies visitors that existing Giga Watt inc customers are currently being served. All orders made in this store will be shipped directly to company’s hosting facilities in the US. In other words, home delivery is currently not possible.

To make a purchase you need to register on the website by clicking the appropriate button:

You’ll see a simple registration form; it will take you less than 3 minutes to fill it out:

Registration is especially important for Giga Watt token holders.

Token owner status is indicated at the very bottom of the registration form:

It is important to note that the system will verify the information about token ownership. If you want to confirm token ownership without any problems, please register at with the same email address that you used for the and websites.

Shortly after completing the registration you will receive a welcome letter from the mining hardware store which will confirm that you can make purchases. Usually users receive this notification within 24 hours after registration.

Gigawatt hardware store provides discounts for WTT token owners. After registration, it is important to check whether the system has identified you as a Giga Watt token owner or not.

The system will send a letter with the following content:

In case you do not receive such letter, you will have to check for discount manually.

To do so, you need to open the page of any miner and remember the price:

After that, you need to log in to the site and open the same page of the same miner that you opened earlier:

As you can see, before authorization the miner cost is 3100 dollars, after authorization the miner cost is 3000 dollars. The discount means that the information about token ownership has been applied and everything works correctly. If this didn’t happen, and you really are a token owner and can confirm it, we suggest that you contact the store’s technical support.

If everything is good, you can then place an order for desired equipment you want to purchase. To do this, click on “Add to cart” button and the system will notify you about this:

Then click “View Cart”:

You can see 1 miner in your cart

Then click on “Proceed to checkout”: button

You will be taken to “Billing Details” page.

Please note that on this page you will need to fill out your billing information. Billing and shipping address may vary, so if you put a different billing address it doesn’t mean that hardware will be delivered to the provided address. All the purchased orders from this web site will be shipped directly to Giga Watt’s mining facilities.

If you scroll down, you will see payment method options.

After you have chosen the payment method and have agreed with the terms of the order, click on the button “Place an order”.

You’ll see a window with order details for payment amount:

Once your payment is complete you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your purchase.

Was it difficult to place an order? I’m sure not!

Please note that your order must be completed within 90 minutes. If your payment is not complete, you will receive the following email:

Most likely you will have to restart your order process.

If you have any questions, please contact Giga Watt support. We wish you successful shopping and work with Giga Watt.

