How to Withdraw Cryptocurrency from your Giga Watt Wallet

Giga Watt
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2017

Here we will show you how to transfer cryptocurrencies from your Giga Watt wallet to an external wallet. As an example we will use our wallets on Giga Watt and on the token launch platform Cryptonomos.

To begin the process we need to sign into our account on Cryptonomos:

And now on Giga Watt:

Let’s go to our Giga Watt wallet from which we will be withdrawing our cryptocurrency:

As you see we selected our Ethereum wallet:

Next we need to go to the Ethereum wallet on Cryptonomos, which we can do by clicking the Ethereum button in the upper menu:

Please note the minimum transfer amount: this restriction exists in most systems. In this case the minimum transfer amount in 0.005 Ethereum:

If you don’t want to lose the funds you are transferring you need to pay attention to the warnings given by the target system.

As you can see on this screen, Cryptonomos platform warns us that it does not support Ethereum transfers via smart contracts, and it requires 100 Ethereum confirmations to credit the funds to you wallet:

A little below this, in the center of the screen, you can see your wallet address and the buttons “copy” and “QR-code”:

Let’s use the Copy function and copy our address:

Now lets go back to our Giga Watt wallet and hit “Send”:

This page only has 2 fields to fill in: Amount and Wallet:

In the Amount field we enter the amount of Ethereum we want to withdraw, and in the Wallet field we paste the wallet address we copied from the Cryptonomos page.

Please check the wallet address you copied and pasted in this field carefully. If you make a mistake in the wallet address, once the withdrawal is confirmed and the money is sent to the wrong address you will not be able to retrieve it. It will be lost!

Under these fields there exists an option for sending all your cryptocurrency available on Giga Watt, and we will use it now:

After choosing Send all available and pasting the address of the target wallet press Send:

Giga Watt will give you the following message:

Ethereum will send this amount to the specified address. Check your email for further instructions:

Done, your cryptocurrency is sent:

Now we need to wait a little — obtaining 100 confirmations on Ethereum network required to receive the funds on our Ethereum wallet on Cryptonomos takes time.

Also please note that Giga Watt offers an option of automatic cryptocurrency withdrawals to external wallets:

To set it up press the button.

In the new window fill in two fields: the amount in Ethereum to automatically withdraw, and the target address of your external Ethereum wallet:

Now click Continue:

Set up AUTOWITHDRAW. Check your mailbox for a confirmation link:

Open your email and follow the link to confirm your settings.


Please note that both the link confirming a one-time withdrawal and the link confirming the automatic withdrawal are valid for 24 hours. If you do not follow the link the system will not receive your confirmation and will neither send your cryptocurrency to the external wallet nor save your automatic cryptocurrency withdrawal request. In this case you will need to repeat the one-time withdrawal procedure or the automatic cryptocurrency withdrawal setup.

A little time has passed, and we can now go back to our Ethereum wallet on the Cryptonomos platform:

As you can see, all the funds we transferred have safely arrived in our wallet. If you go to your Ethereum wallet on Giga Watt you will see the withdrawal operation in the transaction history:

Things are easy with Giga Watt.

If you still have questions, please contact Giga Watt technical support:

We wish you productive work with Giga Watt.

