Pangborn Development Site IV

Work continues building out the Giga Watt facilities at Pangborn

Giga Watt
4 min readApr 5, 2018



We had a lot of important pieces arrive at Pangborn today. We received our switchgear for our substation, as well as our H-frame.

We have a drilling company onsite who is drilling our last grounding hole, and our concrete pads have been cured to make way for the switchgear that can be set into its permanent place.

While equipment and construction continues to develop, the rest of the site is transforming and being staged and cleaned up. Curbs are being poured, gravel laid down leveling the way for asphalt.

Lastly we have our engineering plans awaiting approval from the PUD. Once the PUD signs off we can bring in the mobile substation and get one step closer to the deployment of the pods.


When we finish pod construction and add landscaping this is what the future will look like.

As the weather improves so does our progress on construction. We have 2 more pods ready for racks and equipment, while our deployment team has finished yet another pod.

While the project is nearing completion we have been dealt one more set back — the PUD has required a special control cabinet for their side of the operation. The cabinet requested has to be very meticulously put together and made to the PUD’s exact specifications.

While we are waiting on the last pieces to arrive for our substation we are doing everything that we can to get power faster. We have contracted a solution to bring in a mobile substation to provide temporary power until the permanent substation is completed and powered. To make way for the mobile substation and our permanent one, we need to make an H-frame to get the main power line down to the ground and have a metering cabinet installed by PUD.

If this is a viable option approved by the PUD, we will have power to Pangborn in 2–3 weeks. We are doing our best to bring it to life as soon as possible, given PUD’s changing timelines and approvals. These evolving standards are very detailed and time consuming and there has been a moratorium on cryptocurrency mining in neighboring counties, so we are pushing the Douglas County PUD to get a fast spin on the project.

Giga-Watt continues to show resolve and push forward in all phases to get deployment completed and all equipment online.


Today we have bulldozers, excavators and dump trucks clearing the final way for roads in out and of the pods.

Alphas have arrived! They have already started being unpacked, placed, and cabled for deployment.

The power poles were placed last week and the power lines have been run and are are now waiting on the final step of getting power to the substation.

We have checked-off a few more tasks on our list, more pods filled and one step closer to power.

