Five Relationship Fights I Wish I’d Never Had

I would take these back if I could.

Gigi Love
Kiss & Tell


Yikes, I’ve picked some stupid fights before.

The other day, my boyfriend and I fought about what to order for dinner. It was the dumbest waste of time. (It also may have been period-induced.)

So, it got me thinking.

I have been in a lot of fights before that I really regret.

Some of them were my fault. Some of them were his fault. They’ve all been with different boyfriends at different times of my life.

But, let’s review.

I wish I never would have picked a fight about our sex life.

He told me “not tonight, babe.”

And I — feeling humiliated — stormed out of the bedroom to sleep on the couch.

I picked a fight with my boyfriend because I wanted sex more than he did.

Night after night of wanting him, I’d finally had it. But instead of talking to him like an adult, I felt vulnerable and decided to get mad about it instead.

Anger is easier than vulnerability.



Gigi Love
Kiss & Tell

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture.