Selena Gomez Shines A Really Important Light On Mental Illness

Here is what she had to say about her bipolar diagnosis.

Gigi Love
Kiss & Tell


By Condé Nast (through Vogue Taiwan), CC BY 3.0,

Selena Gomez recently opened up to Good Morning America about her bipolar diagnosis. She first revealed her diagnosis in 2020 during an episode of Miley Cyrus’ Instagram Live show, Bright-Minded.

In both her recent GMA interview and the Miley Cyrus interview, Selena Gomez stresses the importance of knowledge being powerful when it comes to mental health.

She told GMA, “It was really freeing to have the information.”

She told Miley Cyrus, “I realized that I was bipolar and so when I go to know more information, it actually helps me. It doesn’t scare me once I know it.”

There is so much lack of information when it comes to mental illness.

We think that we know it. We think we know what bipolar means. Or anxiety. Or depression.

We think that because we see some representation on TV or in movies — that are typically inaccurate — that we understand what certain diseases look or feel like.

But we really don’t.

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Gigi Love
Kiss & Tell

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture.