Driving inside sales with flexibility: Enterprises are rapidly adopting the gig-model to scale faster

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3 min readSep 28, 2021

With digital channels being the new selling hotspot for enterprises, a gig or an on-demand business model is proving to be one of the best ways to keep up with the new trends.

The word ‘gig’ strikes us as a short-term job short-term contract for outcome-based jobs. While some believe that it is a trend that emerged to cater to the millennial belief of flexible work schedule, some say that it is the direct result of the financial crisis that hits the world from time to time- no matter the reality, the word is here to stay and is taking the enterprises across the globe by storm.

Study shows that the gig economy’s growth is rising by 3X as opposed to the traditional workforce. This implies that both the gig workers (Giggers) as well as enterprises are placing ‘mobility’ above ‘physical labour’ to achieve their end-goals.

Convenient, isn’t it?

The gig-model and inside sales: A hit combination!

Today, a gig-model is swiftly making a sturdy place across industries. In order to improve their bottom-line, many industries are adopting this model as it saves them from the hassle of incurring high-infrastructure costs, permanent staffing as well as intensive operational management. The best part is, it covers almost all kinds of small and large enterprises for different operations, including inside sales.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic made life difficult for major segments of the global economy, the most hit were the people whose responsibilities were directly related to the field. It was a common sight to witness salespeople trying to sell their product or service in-person and doing their best to achieve their targets.

However, in order to sustain, enterprises took route to new and innovative ideas of conducting sales via digital channels- one of which involved inside telesales services. A research by PointClear shows the cost-effectiveness of inside sales- In the U.S, an average outside sales call costs $308 as opposed to the average inside sales call, which cost just $50.

As the current scenario of the world makes it infeasible for the customers to purchase physically, a report by KPMG showcases how in some sectors, around 70% of the customers purchased online without any sales assistance- which shows a massive change in the customer’s purchasing behaviour. To keep up with such new changes, enterprises need to provide special attention towards inside sales- for which, adopting a gig-model or an on-demand workforce is a viable option.

Benefits of an on-demand workforce

It is imperative to note that it is unlikely for traditional methods of carrying out operations would return in the business sector considering the integration of technology and the new kind of human input. With this hybrid approach, enterprises can easily scale up or down the human resources without recurring costs. Moreover, it also eliminates the expenses pertaining to physical training and development as this workforce already comes with relevant skills and certifications. Furthermore, this allows enterprises to hire resources depending on the projects- which can either be of high or low value.

The Giggers are each paid for the time they spend and the outcome they achieve after selling to the customers remotely. This is calculated on a per minute basis, or in the case of live chat, SMS or email support- on a ‘per ticket’ basis. If an enterprise requires additional support due to a surge in demand, the talk time rates can be adjusted in real-time to include special surge rate pricing, so that the Giggers are rewarded for work more efficiently.

Adopt the gig-model with GigIndia

GigIndia caters to enterprises across different sectors with tailor-made solutions for inside sales. We promote the gig-model with our on-demand workforce that is exclusively trained, certified and managed by us on a large scale. For each industry, we prepare our Giggers with domain-specific requirements and divide them on the basis of vernacular expertise to ensure a larger reach. With us, many fast-growing enterprises are scaling at a rapid pace while keeping up with their business continuity plans.

Wish to know more about us? Visit our website at www.gigindia.in

Or write to us at sales@gigindia.in




GigIndia empowers enterprises and gig workers to scale smartly and effectively with a gig-based model. To know more, visit www.gigindia.in