GigIndia: Building A Gig Ecosystem for Enterprises & Job Aspirants

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4 min readJun 22, 2021

Enterprises today are opting for independent professionals who are skilled to perform their jobs remotely.

The gig economy has transformed the traditional ways of operating a business. A study estimates that by 2027, there will be 86.5 million gig workers (freelancers) in the world working flexibly in terms of time and space.

Today, many fast-growing enterprises are reaping the benefits of this alternative workforce- saving time, money while altering the relationship between the ‘employer’ and the ‘employee’. These are shifting away from the conventional notions of employment and instead of hiring on a remote and pay-per-project basis. It is estimated that by 2030, remote workers could represent around 80% of the global workforce.

GigIndia’s contribution to the gig economy-

In 2020, India’s unemployment rate sharply rose to 7.11% from 5.27% in 2019, as suggested by a report from the Centre for Economic Data and Analysis (CEDA) based on the ILOSTAT database of the International Labour Organisation.

To curb the rising issue of unemployment in the country, GigIndia has created an ecosystem where enterprises and the white-collared gig workforce come together to accomplish exceptional business goals. Aspiring job seekers from all across the world can join our platform and empower businesses to scale as they require. This gives us the opportunity to create an impact by offering meaningful learning and growing experiences to job aspirants.

Enterprises scale faster with GigIndia

Interestingly, of all the organizations around the world (with a staff of 1,000+), almost 1/5th includes at least 30% of remote workers. And during the last five years, 50% of all enterprises had a substantial increase in their freelance workforce.

Global enterprises today opt to allocate their assignments to Giggers in order to save on time, cost and other external resources. This is expected to increase steadily as the ease of hiring freelancers increases and company policies become more aligned to processes like remote working. One of such operations includes telecommunication for sales.

GigIndia gives large enterprises a stimulus to remain competitive and sustainable by removing or reducing their overheads. The costs mainly pertain to recruiting, training and managing a workforce. As a result, it helps fill the gap in both supply-side and demand-side needs.

With an increasing inclination towards remote and part-time work, most professionals belonging to different levels of expertise are rapidly contributing to the gig economy model:

1. Low-Skilled Workers: This group includes the members of the working class who perform manual labour and earn on the basis of every task performed. During tough times, it becomes difficult for them to have a full-time job at hand. To curb their financial distress, they often take up short tasks at a low stipend as an immediate measure.

2. Mid-Skilled Workers: A large segment in itself, this involves individuals who are educated to perform certain kinds of administrative skills, but are not qualified enough to achieve a professional stature or a high-level managerial position in most organisations. To escalate their overall income, these individuals often take the route of remote working alongside their other work commitments to enable more channels for financial resources.

3. High-Skilled Workers: This class involves the most qualified and experienced professionals of the lot. Most of these workers have a full-time job/ project in hand that keeps them engaged while ensuring financial stability. However, in order to stand out from the crowd and build their personal brand based on their specialised skills, they often take up short-term work outside their organisation in order to promote themselves as experts in their field.

Studies show that around 39% of mid-skilled workers are mostly working for large enterprises while only 15% work for start-ups. Furthermore, around 93% of these enterprises show a high degree of comfort to leverage flexible talent for strategic work and carve out the roles and responsibilities clearly.

Due to the rise in the adoption of remote teams, the freelance or the gig model is providing a viable career path for skilled professionals in countries where domestic opportunities are low. Pakistan, Ukraine, the Philippines, India, & Bangladesh rank in the top 10 countries with the fastest-growing earnings for freelancers or gig workers.

Bridging the gap

In India, it is believed that a robust mid-skilled gig economy has the potential to boost industrialization, enable job opportunities, increase income and improve the living of people, especially those who come from Tier 2–3 cities.

However, a contrast between relevant skills and job roles continues to be pain key point for most enterprises. Industries today require a trained workforce but most job aspirants are unable to find the right fit. Thereby, the bridge that connects the mid-skilled workforce and employment ecosystems needs to be strengthened.

GigIndia bridges this gap by connecting talented gig workers with leading enterprises through a remote working model. We train skilled professionals to nurture their passions and excel in telecommunication without time and space barriers. Moreover, our cutting-edge technology empowers companies to scale faster while saving resources and costs.

Wish to know more about our working model? Visit




GigIndia empowers enterprises and gig workers to scale smartly and effectively with a gig-based model. To know more, visit