The Rise of Gig Economy

And how you can get the most out of it…

Radhika Lampuse
4 min readNov 13, 2017


One of the latest fangled terms of business ‘Gig’, is making quite a few heads turn. It has crept out of the blue and taken the world by storm.

So what exactly is the significance this word carries about itself?


What is Gig Economy?

Gig Economy marks the shift of hiring of permanent full-time employees to independent contractors and freelancers. The tradition of having fixed employees work for particular jobs is seeing decline and instead hiring per project is trending which not only proves to be efficient but also cost-effective.

Perks of Gigging

1. First and foremost: cost effective

The optimum goal for every business always remains in managing the money. And if the same job is being done at fewer bucks, perhaps in a better manner even, then why not?

Freelancers are known to cost a company a lot less than what a permanent employee would, plus expertise is something which the former shall have aplenty.

2. Fixing a perfect set of full-time staff is difficult

Let’s face it: hiring is the most time-consuming process ever. You need to assess potential candidates in a way that they remain useful for longer periods of time and meet required demands. This means, those particular persons have to possess more than a few skills, all adjusting to the work profile you are looking at. And well, it takes time to find the perfect match.

Wouldn’t it be better if you could have a person who excels at the skill you require the most at that point of time and part amicably after the job is done? We agree with you.

3. Saving training efforts and costs

Usually, the hiring drill is to first select and then train, so that the employees exactly meet all demands you are expecting of them. What would be really lucky is to find a person who does exactly what you want before hand.

Gigging is all about finding such people and hiring them on temporary basis.

4. Adjustable working patterns

Permanent employees are all about coming at sharp 10.00 and leaving at sharp 6.00. But what if a particular day demands more number of work hours? Freelancers is the appropriate answer.

GigIndia’s Contribution

All jobs seek experience & experience seeks jobs.

So how do we break this chain? By supplying them with Gigs.

  1. GigIndia connects the student community with the Companies where an easy transfer of talent and experience can occur.
  2. Companies can list numerous tasks that need to be done and easily find willing students to perform them effectively (at low costs).
  3. Hiring through GigIndia guarantees quality interns as rigid filtering processes of skill-sets are carried out.
  4. With GigIndia, companies have options to choose from as several students perform the gigs but they pay for only one- the best one.

Collaborate with Us

To turn the Gig Economy to your favour, contact:

Siddharth Bharsakale

About GigIndia

GigIndia aims at bridging the gap between the student and the industry, bringing the two closer. To gain the most out of it, check out the GigIndia app.

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