These AI-Driven Customer Onboarding Models Will Help You To Sustain Your Customers For Long

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4 min readJul 15, 2021

Increase your customer lifetime value by 30% with proactive customer onboarding models.

Every enterprise wants a thriving and reliable customer onboarding model without any leakage. To ensure this, it is imperative to have a proper customer engagement strategy in place- and why not? Studies show that around 86% of customers are willing to pay more than usual for a great customer experience- which means your model should have the potential to provide exclusivity to each customer.

A proactive customer onboarding model can increase your customer lifetime value (CLV), make your customer base satisfied and help you to improve your service according to feedbacks. It is a process to nurture the prospective relationship with your customers while analyzing how the customers are going to engage with your brand for you to achieve the tenet of their satisfaction.

Creating a personalised customer onboarding process

To ensure that you build the best-personalised process as per your enterprise’s unique requirements. It is important to keep your objective specific to your customer base. Make sure it covers 4 key retention goals:

1. Product demo should happen within 3 days of customer’s first interaction.

2. Your product/service should be used more than once within the first month of commencement.

3. The product/service usage frequency should be analyzed.

4. Your product or service should be well-analyzed to make it indispensable to your competitors.

Following these 4 goals may give you the best opportunity at providing an excellent onboarding experience to your customers.

Onboarding Models

Depending on your brand’s nature, the onboarding process and budget may vary. In general, some enterprises use a very low touch model which often makes sense for a higher volume with lower-priced offerings. On the other hand, others may use a very rigorous, high touch model, which is more appropriate for more complex and costly products. Additionally, many enterprises adopt a hybrid of these two approaches:

1. High Touch Post Onboarding (40% higher ROI)

With a high touch post onboarding approach, your customer may have been onboarded either online or with dedicated executives, but the ongoing success of their account is managed with a ‘high touch’ Customer Success Manager (CSM) or a similar approach like outsourcing.

In this engagement model, the ongoing value of the customer is high and the product or service is complex. In this case, enterprises can invest more to provide an exclusive experience by leveraging dedicated onboarding executives.

This model becomes even more profitable when a dedicated outsourcing company like GigIndia is leveraged to onboard SME/SMB/HNI customers. With consistent follow-ups and customised onboarding scripts, customers feel more valued.

2. Low Touch Post Onboarding (45% improved ROI)

With a low touch post onboarding approach, the communication with the onboarded customer is almost completely conducted digitally or via an email-only approach or through telecalling as offered by GigIndia.

In this scenario, more leads can be managed using automation, alerts and triggered messages to promote usage of the product or service, training customers or delivering the best practices. However, the ROI is determined by the scale of the operations. A process like outbound telecalling at a large scale may improve the net ROI for enterprises.

3. Hybrid models (30% success ratio)

As the name suggests, a hybrid onboarding model combines elements of both high touch and low touch onboarding. One can view different onboarding models as spanning between a spectrum from high touch to low touch. Interestingly, most enterprises use a blend of the two, where they fall on that spectrum which is likely to be determined by the cost and complexity of the solution.

In a hybrid model ROI is maximised if quality service is provided at a larger scale. GigIndia provides an amalgamation of both high and low touch models by leveraging smart tech automation and a pool of certified telecallers.

Some enterprises apply a primarily high touch approach and supplement it with some automated technology, others may employ a primarily low touch model, but make live onboarding support or training available for customers who are struggling with successful onboarding. However, no matter the model, the ultimate goal here is to drive high engagement from new customers.

In conclusion

Each enterprise has a unique service and unique customer requirements.

GigIndia recognizes the cruciality of customer-centricity for each industry. We work with leading enterprises from across the globe to onboard customers at a faster scale to achieve exponential growth.

Now making customer excellence a reality with high touch and low touch onboarding models is simpler than ever.

To know more, visit or write to us at




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