How social media marketing can boost your business?

Apurva Rani
4 min readApr 3, 2018


If you scan through the past till present, social media has grown from a marginal marketing strategy to a core component of marketing in businesses of all sizes to reach prospects and customers. Social networking has now become an integral part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media are so great that anyone not implementing this ‘cost-effective’ resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. Employing great marketing strategies on social media can bring remarkable success to your business.

Spread Awareness of your Brand

When you make a virtual presence on the social media platforms, everyone will know about you. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a considerably large number of potential consumers in the face of audience. Reaching out to your audience will help you grow, it will help you create your brand awareness. This will automatically grow your customer and client base. People interacting with your content would increase brand awareness and begin building your reputation as a business. Know the audience you want to target, understand their behavior and reach them on various platforms.

Content Planning using Search Engine Optimization

A strategy will help you to deploy social media in the best way to reach your goals by prioritizing on the promotional structure. Consider keyword research and competitive research to help brainstorm content ideas that will interest your target audience. Search engine optimization is very important for achieving higher page rankings and obtaining traffic to your business website.Work on how the businesses in your industry can drive engagement on social media. Create high quality content that integrates your targeted keywords. Content such as blogs, info-graphics, case studies, business information, and employee photos will make your business’s social media profile intriguing and credible.

Maintain the Brand image

Using social media for marketing enables your business to project your brand image across a variety of different social media platforms.Having a clearly defined brand will help you build the rest of your marketing strategy, as it will help you communicate your message to customers. Social media can help you communicate your brand consistently through many channels.

Conversion rate Increases

Conversion in simple words means to make your visitors and readers turn into prospective clients and customers. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company’s website and increase traffic. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. An interactive online brand makes consumers, more trustworthy regarding the credibility of your business. Putting your brand in an atmosphere where people are sharing, liking, and talking, improves the conversion rates on your existing traffic.

Interaction with Customers

Since social media allows you to interact with your customers, it can help you identify potential problems in your business. This honest feedback is much like suggestion boxes and customer comment cards, social media gives customers a tool to communicate features of your product or service that they would like you to improve. People usually speak up when they have a complaint. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive of your visitors’ needs and are willing to provide best services. A brand devoted to customer satisfaction that responds to the personal messages will inherently be viewed in a positive light, even if responding to a customer complaint.

Create Brand Loyalty

Social Media allows business owners to communicate with customers in real time. If an angry customer disgraces your company on social media, you can react instantly, and can help clarify all the doubts till the customer is satisfied. Satisfied customers are eager to spread the word about a great product or service and they usually turn to social media to express their opinion. Having customers mention your business on social media will advertise your business, and show new visitors your value and brand authority. Once you obtain a few satisfied customers who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can let the advertising be done for you by actual customers who enjoyed your product or service.

Social Media Marketing counts in one of the crucial necessities of running a business. It won’t be wrong to say that soical marketing acts as a backbone to any business venture.

