Top career development tools for a musician

Apurva Rani
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018


Learn more about top career development tools for a musician.


Cultivating an online presence is an inexpensive and dynamic way to build audiences and support for your work. Maintaining a robust and compelling online presence will greatly increase your chances of connecting with audiences near and far. Building a professional website, which with a little care and creativity, can serve most of your basic needs. . If you are building your first artist website, this is a good place to start — not only because it is low cost, but because it pushes you to think critically about how you want to represent yourself as an artist and puts the creative reigns in your hands.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management help facilitate the creation of networks or communities of shared interest or objectives. Your greatest career development tool is not necessarily or simply your technical skill and knowledge. It is those who know about your skills and knowledge. Social media’s immediacy is great if you wish to inform your network of some relevant news, an update on technologies you work on, or a positive career or life event. One of the best ways to manage your fans and viewers is through blogs. You can use your blog as a platform to share links, articles, videos from recent performances, and other interesting news about your life and work. Updating your blog regularly can give fans a reason to come back to your website for updates and new content.

Social Media Marketing

In order to drive new people to your website and grow your audience, it is important to engage in a wide range of promotional activities through social media and other online platforms.

Facebook supports a wide range of options specifically designed for artists. You can create a band/musician page and customize it with a variety of applications that will enable you to easily share audio and video content. Facebook is also a great way to advertise upcoming gigs and performances. Some artists prefer to curate their personal Facebook page and use it as a professional networking and promotional tool.

YouTube allows you to easily upload and share videos — performance videos, promotional videos. You can create your own YouTube channel, or embed YouTube videos on your website blog, or Facebook artist page.

Instagram is a great platform to use if you already love taking photos and enjoy the aesthetics of photography, or if your work has a heavy visual component.

Digital Music Distribution

The Internet has transformed the structures of the music industry by replacing physical structures for virtual structures and network structures replacing sequential ones. Many consumers perceive the process of purchasing CDs in a store as slow, inefficient, and inconvenient. Artists often establish themselves through social tools and other online platforms before they get to the point of signing a record deal.Thus for all digital era artists, social metrics are much more important because they are tools that can generate revenue opportunities.

Electronic Press Kit

Electronic press kit is probably your most valuable promotional tool and it needs to be taken very seriously. It gives you the opportunity to simply upload your files and graphics. There is usually a section for your biography, your photos, your press, your music, your videos, and your back line requirements. make sure it is professionally reproduced and prepared.

Apply for gigs

Applying for gigs and then getting an opportunity to perform in them is one of the most effective ways of getting recognized in the music industry and getting your music heard. Live Music provides you with an opportunity to collaborate with artists and make friends with other acts who would be willing to work on music and other gigs together.

Email Marketing tool

Your email list is your primary asset as a professional musician. Build and use an email list to stay connected with your fans. Permission-based marketing using emails to your fan-base is a proven winner. Email is a great way to distribute news about upcoming performances and projects, and keep your fans engaged in between events.You can go for MailChimp or GiGlue mailing tool for smooth and effective email marketing. They helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results.

