Why Social Media Presence is important?

Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2018


Regular Social Media Presence is the easiest and the most effective tool to reach out to a million of fans & viewers.

Digital Advertising Market has grown at 38% annually between 2010 and 2017.

There are at present 300 million active social media users in India.

Social Media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic.

Your competition is getting social, so you should too.

How Giglue is helping you to brand yourself?

Giglue will help you in social media marketing by providing a platform which will integrate all your social media accounts.

You will now be able to post your content from all your integrated accounts on a single click, in less than a minute.

The ease in handling the accounts will increase manifold, and you’ll have so much more time in your hand.

Social Media Presence would increase your Artist Performance Score, which in turn would improve your chance of getting Gigs.

increase your social media presence through www.giglue.com

