Decoding Employer Branding: What Every Business Needs to Know

Gigs Guy
The Gigs Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2024

The concept of employer branding has transcended mere corporate jargon to become a pivotal factor in shaping an organization’s success. Beyond products and services, a company’s most valuable asset is its people, and the image it projects as an employer is no longer an afterthought but a strategic imperative.

GetGigs Company Branding

Understanding Company Image:

Company image isn’t just about how much you pay; it’s about the overall experience of working with you. It includes things like the atmosphere, values, and how employees feel about their job. Take Google, for instance, they’ve made themselves known for being innovative and a great place to work, and that’s because of their efforts in creating a positive company image.

Attracting Top Talent:

In the competitive job market, a good company image helps bring in skilled professionals. Look at Apple — they talk about their strengths, work culture, and commitment to career growth. Their image emphasizes innovation and purpose, making them attractive to those who want more than just a paycheck.

Retaining Your Best Employees:

Once you’ve got great employees, you want to keep them. A positive company image plays a big role here. Salesforce, for example, focuses on things like employee well-being and growth opportunities. This not only keeps turnover low but also makes for a happy and dedicated workforce.

Building a Strong Company Image:

Creating a good company image means making sure what happens inside aligns with what people see outside. L’oreal does this well by sharing stories from employees and highlighting their successes. Additionally, a key element is their well-defined Employee Value Proposition (EVP), shaped in 2012 with input from existing employees. L’Oreal’s adept use of various digital platforms, such as YouTube and Flipboard, has garnered significant engagement, with 70% of their LinkedIn followers expressing interest in job opportunities, and a substantial 1.8 million followers on the platform, as reported by CareerBuilder. Regularly checking and improving your company image ensures it stays relevant in the ever-changing business world.

Gigs’ job posting for Hollywood Park Management Company with video and image feed

How Gigs Highlights Employer Branding:

Gigs is reshaping the way employers showcase their employer brand in job ads. Gigs goes beyond traditional job postings by offering companies the opportunity to enrich their listings with multimedia elements, allowing them to upload videos and images that provide a glimpse into the day-to-day experience of working at a specific location. This approach provides potential candidates a more authentic understanding of the company culture.

For example, Gigs assisted Hollywood Park Management Company fill several guest experience roles. By working closely with the company, Gigs gained insights into what mattered most to Hollywood Park Management Company. Leveraging this information, Gigs tailored the job descriptions to emphasize the quality of the experience the company aims to deliver, highlighting how roles on the food and beverage and retail teams contribute to this overarching objective. This use of video and images in job descriptions allows employers to communicate their employer brand more vividly, fostering a better connection with prospective candidates.
In today’s business world, where having the right people is crucial, maintaining a positive company image is key. By showcasing your company’s image, you not only attract the best people but also establish yourself as a leader in your industry.

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