Inclusive Service Design for senior citizens in gated communities

On interviewing residents, making journey maps and understanding the system together, we found out that the earlier approach we had taken by research through design, might not really solve the aim we had to understand their interactions with the system.It involved making them imagine the alternatives of a normal existing objects which used technology. So,it was putting an additional load of making them imagine things which is non existent. Rather we thought of taking an approach by creating incremental change which might solve for the gaps present in the system. This lead to narrowing down the research objective.

To identify gaps which are currently present in the system and provide ways to make the system more inclusive for the senior citizens.

Understanding senior citizens

We conducted semi-structured interviews with the residents of age group 65–82 years. The motive was to understand them by asking what a day in a life is for them, what kind of phone do they use, their likes and also asking them what they do when a delivery person, visitor or technicians come in or what do they do in case of any emergency situation or if they need to book a cab.

Journey of user 1
Journey of user 2 (left), journey of user 3 (right)
Journey of user 4 (left), Journey of user 5 (right)

Following things emerged as a result:

1. Most of them were mainly anxious and scared while opening the door. In addition to that, lending money, language barriers are other pain-points while receiving goods from delivery partners.

2. Only one of them used a smartphone but others were using a feature phone as they find smartphones intimidating. For them, a feature phone is easy to carry and helps to perform basic functions like calling.

3. In case they have to book a cab, their son or daughter in law do it for them or in some case they prefer going with them only. They take help of security guards in case they have to book a private cab.

4. In case of any technicians(i.e. Plumbers, electricians) visit, most of them basically confirm and inquire from their son or daughter in law about the pre-booking of the visit and then allow them. Otherwise take the help of a security guard in case of sudden breakdown, which is again problematic for them.

We further broke down their journey to specific instances when a delivery partner or a technician or visitor or in case of emergency to identify gaps or the problem areas.

Pain Points in the journey for user 1
Pain points in the journey for user 2
Pain point in the journey for user 3

Findings :

1.We found out that there are interactions where the journey is longer.

2.A risk is involved when not knowing who is present on the door.

We also looked into the features which My Gate provide, where senior citizens are excluded because they are not using smartphones, for e.g features such as e- intercom, availing clubhouse facilities. Also, they have no say in child security, a feature present in My Gate app though most of them are actively engaged with their grandchildren.

What we are planning to do:

We are planning to create touch points, through which they can interact with the system and make them inclusive.

Expected output:

Service Design and story-boarding in a video format.

Team Falcon

Jyotirmayee Das

Harinie Ananth

