Probing into Customized Data Patterns

What happens to our data when it get saved in the system? How it gets store on the cloud? How much secure it is to save data on the cloud?

When we save data on cloud these many questions come in our mind. To we are using and putting our personal data on many different platforms. We don’t even think while giving it to any random online app or portal.

But is it safe to give our name, email, phone no. without checking privacy. How can they use that data for their personal work.

In the gated community in all the metro cities security guards collect your data while entering in the society. MyGate is new application which helps them to collect all the visitor’s data on single portal.

But is it safe to give them a data? If they are collecting it on large scale, how productively they can use it to enhance customer’s experience with gated community?

For 5 weeks project we were working on these points. In terms of security and privacy, personal data sharing is a big concern and how to use this data in such a way that it can effectively benefit an individual, is a challenge. Hence we studied such possibilities in a 5-week studio of Probing into Service, Systems and Infrastructures, where we were supposed to look into gated communities of Bangalore and its implications through platforms like myGate, Apna complex etc.

In one month studio Probing in to system, service and infrastructure gave us great experience to learn these areas. WE got a chance to learn different techniques of probing, and doing research with insights abut how system works.

Understanding of area

In the first week of studio we learned about system, service and infrastructure with the base of gated community system. In that part we took MyGate app as a basic learning platform. We discussed about security, maintenance, infrastructure, surveillance, residential rules and regulations, parking, and many other things. With all these area we got an basic Idea about how MyGate app is working on a large scale for gated community and in service, system and infrastructure related research what points exactly we should cover.

In the end of first week we came up with groups and our own individual area of research. We were looking in to data privacy of MyGate app and ovrall security factors in gated community.


While looking in both the areas we started with interviews of residents in gated community and security management. While probing these areas we realise that both the areas were very strong and we need to narrow down with one of those. But both topics were quite dependent on each other. In the sense of security factor data privacy important. Because whatever data app is collecting is related to residents and if that data can create patterns out of that, and data is easily hackable, then security concern comes in the frame.

Finally we decided to combine both the topics and prob in that.

We search on MyGate app system, about how data gets collected, in which format, what data they are collecting, who are comfortable with giving data easily, and what kind of patterns may get collected with the data. We talked to residential people about their concerns with security and privacy.

With the combination of security concerns from resident’s point of view and data patterns created with app we tried to prob into these factors and came up with primary idea of solutions.


While doing this research we got chance to work on a large scale of gated community system. We learned many techniques like affinity mapping, user journey, service blue print, persona creation, etc. Also I got to learn in these studio was to focus.

Service blue print was quite interesting. We really got a chance to focus on each level of system working and with the service blue print we could look into different scenarios on surface level. We can work in a flow with larger perspective of system.


In today’s world we have created many different fields and working individually . But today we ned to create a balance in all the services and systems. We need to look into infrastructure with broader perspective.

