Probing into the management of emergencies in gated communities

This article is about probing into the emergency system in gated communities. Our team started with the study of facilities and features provided by different platforms in the gated communities. Emergency being an important aspect in the gated communities, Probing was done on the emergency facilities and how to improve these features. Interviews and online surveys were conducted on people living in the gated communities and from the interview data collected and survey results it was observed that capabilities to deal with medical emergencies are limited. Also considering the humanitarian side medical emergency is an important aspect to look into for the well-being of the residents. From the data collected a persona was created and customer journey map of the persona in a situation where he needs a medical emergency was created. From the journey map, recorded the actions, feelings and the pain points. Possible ways with which a resident react in case of a medical emergencies were observed. Pain points were studied in different scenarios in the existing way of dealing with the emergencies. From the journey map and the interview and survey data some of the important pain points observed were most of the residents do not know the definite ways to deal with the emergency situations. Most people stated that they tend to approach neighbours in case of an emergency but most of them doesn’t have the contact details of immediate neighbours.

Journey map of existing sytem during a medical emergency

UX requirements were mapped to understand the needs of the user in the system. The objective of the system, providing immediate aid in case of medical emergencies in the gated communities. Understanding the stakeholders in the system, the needs of the stakeholders and the issues faced by them in the system and how they perceive or experiences the system. Then the medium through which the user experiences the services. The actions by which the service is provided to the user, such as one touch emergency button in the mobile platform. Then the space and time in which the system provides service to the system. UX evaluation was performed to understand how the user experiences the system while interacting with it.

From the pain points observed a system was designed to provide aid in case of medical emergencies in the gated communities. The system consists of one touch emergency button in the smartphone platform where the user can notify the security at the gate, society admin, immediate neighbours and the family members living in the same apartment through the platform. On receiving the notification, the security or admin can call for further medical assistance. And notify back after calling for medical assist. Incorporating organization like Indian Red Cross society can provide awareness in immediate first aid and other assist needed in medical emergencies. In this way the neighbours and staffs can provide the immediate first aid possible.

System designed for dealing medical emergencies in gated communities

Body storming was performed to imagine how the system deals with the medical emergencies in the common area of the society. When in need of medical assist while in common areas the resident can press the common area emergency button which notifies the nearby security. The security is provided with the code of different buttons in different area so that the security can reach the needy immediately.

Body storming of emergency button in common areas in gated communities

Incorporating all these features in the system makes the resident feel secured by providing them with medical assistance at the right place and right time and thus provides for the well-being of the residents in the gated communities


