10 Insane Freelancing Myths Debunked

GigTricks Team
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2018

With the ever-increasing globalization, it’s no big secret that we are now in the epoch of the gig economy. In the past decade, freelancing has gained its popularity and a big part of the workforce is shifting from typical eight-hour jobs to work as freelancers. Even though there is a big chunk of people shifting to freelancing, conversely there is still a large number of people being held back by some very clichéd notions about the unconventional work style and their life that are true myths. Following are some common freelancing myths, we have debunked:

1. It’s Not a Practical Full-Time Career

It actually is, sure there are tons of ill-paying clients out there and you don’t instantly start making millions but that’s not the entire truth. There are thousands of people out there who are making a living out of it and surviving pretty well. As any other work, freelancing requires hard work, skills, research, and experience but it is a very practical and realistic way of earning an income.

2. You’ll Be Making Millions in No Time

On the flipside, there’s this overly exaggerated, highly embellished view of freelancing. No job, literally no job guarantees you a truckload of easy-money right from the start unless you accidentally stumble on some hidden treasure, it’s the same case with freelancing. Making a good portfolio and building a steady stream of clients takes time but it’s very important in order to create that stable and sustainable career. In time you will be earning as much as you want but it won’t happen overnight.

3. The Economy Is Already Saturated

With freelancers flooding the market it seems possible that job opportunities will lower in a highly saturated market, but that’s not the case. Freelancing is not a trend, it’s more like a new way of employment and it’s here to stay. Entrepreneurs and startups are preferring hiring freelancers over full-time employees because of their productivity and cost-effectiveness.

4. You Can Work Whenever You Want

It is partly true that working from home and setting your own schedule gives you freedom of choice in your work hours that you don’t get in a full-time job, but that does not mean you can work whenever you want. Even as a freelancer you will be chasing deadlines given by your clients and in order to ensure a steady stream of clients and to keep your business running you will have to work according to that. As long as you can deliver your project on time to your client, you can work whenever you want.

5. You Need Connections to Bag Projects

Connections are important in getting a cool project and if your client is satisfied with you then they may recommend you to other people. But having good connections don’t make all the difference, one thing that matters more is your quality of work and your work ethics. And that is the one most important thing that will get you new clients and help you form connections eventually.

6. You Have to Settle for What the Client Offers

Okay, so at the start of your freelancing career, you might think that you have to take anything and everything you can (even if you hate it) in order to establish your business. But that is not the entire truth, as a freelancer, you are providing the service so you get to set the price. Sure you will have to take the clients budget into account and negotiate but it’s you who gets to decide whether you want to work at that price or not.

7. Freelancing Is Only for Programmers and IT Experts

Not really, freelancers work in pretty much every industry that exists. It is not just for tech gurus, designers or writers. If you search carefully enough you can easily find a position according to your skills. Actual success lies in finding your secret super skill and using it to make money for yourself.

8. You Get to Work in Your Pajamas Everyday

While you may not have to dress up and commute to work every day, you will still need to dress up and meet your clients for finalizing new projects and deals. Sometimes you might even have to talk to your clients over Skype and for that ‘event’ you’ll need to change out of your pajamas. However, taking a hot shower, dressing up and sitting around the house isn’t a bad idea. It might make you feel refreshed and even more productive.

9. Freelancers Freelance Because They Can’t Get a Real Job

Again, not true. There are tons of people out there who freelance because it’s they value their freedom, don’t want to be boss around and it is their style of working. It’s true that a big chunk of people turns to freelancing as an alternate mode of earning money but for an even larger majority, it is a real job. Freelancing might be the unconventional way of earning money but it is definitely a great way to make your career.

10. Freelance Work is for Loners or Introverts

As a freelancer, you are your own boss and in order to make sure your business runs smoothly you need to market it effectively. And for marketing your skills effectively you will be communicating and interacting with people. A person who gets awkward while talking or explaining stuff to people will not be able to do a good job in getting new clients. So unlike the clichéd opinion people skills are as important in freelancing as any other field. However, I do agree that isolation starts to get on your nerves while working from home, but there with a balance in work and social life, you can easily avoid stress and depression.

Freelancing without a doubt is the future of our economy. While it may be a bit hard it’s not entirely undoable and with hard work, anyone can make big in this field.

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