5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Freelance Graphic Designer

GigTricks Team
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2018

A picture is worth a thousand words, okay maybe not exactly a thousand words, but a picture has the ability to convey a complex message much more efficiently and faster than a paragraph ever can. With the ever rising competition in the corporate world, it is getting more and more important for businesses to market their products effectively.

And how do you achieve that? By hiring designers, of course, designers that create eye-catching logos and help give your brand a boost. But if you think you can’t afford a full team of designers right now that doesn’t mean you should give up on your marketing dreams. You can always hire freelance graphic designers as they’re more cost-effective than regular employees and still get your work done.

To make things easier for you, here are few very important questions you should keep in mind before hiring a freelance graphic designer.

1. Tell Me Something About Yourself!

As cheesy as it sounds it is probably the most frequently asked interview questions out there and it is very important. Yes, you’re hiring a freelancer for a short time but even for the short period of time, you need to know the person you’re hiring. It makes it easier as it will impact on your work relationship. Ask them questions that will make you understand their way of working so you two can get along. Ask questions like; how long have they been freelancing? Their design aesthetic, their goals and ambitions, their work style. While they are answering, make sure that you listen and are able to form connections between their answers and the type of person you’re looking for the job.

2. What Motivated You to Apply?

Okay, another clichéd interview question but nonetheless important. This question can help reveal a lot about the graphic designer and aid you in making the right decision. It’ll help you understand whether that graphic designer is genuinely interested in working for you or not. If they aren’t really passionate about the project, then their design will lack and it won’t be good for your company’s repute. Ideally, the graphic designer should be familiar with your company.

3. Can I See Your Portfolio and References?

The portfolio is very important as it will help you decide more effectively whether you want to hire the graphic designer or not. Looking through the samples will help you better understand their design process and aesthetic and will also help you understand if they’ll be able to work for you.

If their designs mostly revolve around comedic characters or stuff like that but you’re looking for a mature approach, then that designer is probably not the right choice for you. Along with a portfolio ask for references too as it will help you gather valuable feedback for your designer if they don’t have much positive feedback from the previous employees they probably aren’t that professional. It’s better to go looking for someone else than regret later.

4. Can You Work Within Our Specified Timeframe?

Freelancers don’t have only one project on their hands, most of the time they work on multiple projects. You need to make sure if they can properly dedicate time to your project or not. Ask them beforehand about their schedule and projects and if they’ll be able to deliver on time. Also, take note of how responsive they are to your emails and phone calls during your initial meetings. You need to make sure you hire a responsible person for your job or you’ll run into trouble.

5. Are You Happy with Our Budget?

Probably the most important question that will either seal the deal or break it. Your budget and the money that the designer expects from you should be discussed and agreed upon when you are discussing the project with them. Designer’s cost varies according to the experience level and whether they will charge hourly or on the project basis, the latter option is preferred as it provides you with a better estimate of what you’ll have to pay. It’s preferred that you get a contract so that both of you and the freelancer are on the same page.

Most freelance graphic designers are very passionate about their work but hiring them can be a daunting task. But with the aid of the above questions, your selection will become a whole lot easier. Remember to be alert and smart and you’ll get an amazing designer that’ll boost your company’s market. So, best of luck with your hiring process!

GigTricks is an ecosystem that will allow you to judge freelancers not only by their overall profile rating but also with their individual skill ratings that are verified under the blockchain technology, making it possible for entrepreneurs to hire the most suitable person for the job.

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