6 Tricks to Negotiate your Terms with Client!

GigTricks Team
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2018

For being a successful freelancer you must know how to deal with clients. When a client hires a freelancer. He discusses all the matters and terms before sealing the deal. He comes up with his demands and examines the freelancer’s skills; evaluates either the individual has abilities to fulfill company’s demands or not for that he may ask you for a sample to observe your skills, will let you know the deadline of completing given task etc. But have you ever wondered, why you as a self-employed individual does not have these privileges?

Why Should You Negotiate Your Terms?

Well, you already know the answer, if you are a newbie in the freelancing world then maybe you never considered the fact that you can also negotiate your terms. But believe me, you should have known and now you start negotiating terms in a similar way to confirm any project considering all aspects.

Why Don’t Freelancers Always Negotiate?

There is a big competition on the platform of freelance. As there are very talented and skilled professional existing on the freelance platform. Especially when you are new to make freelance money you may face difficulties to attract clients towards your profile. In this case when a newcomer gets a gig. He doesn’t want to lose it by negotiating his terms with clients. Freelancer feels uneasy to discuss with clients about price, project related matters and keep their terms in front of their client because he thinks if I keep my terms clients will move to another profile.

If You Negotiate — Two Things Will Happen!

So, is it really true that clients may run when you start negotiating? Let’s discuss it this way, the scammers and crappy people out there with the intention to exploit you will definitely run away. However, the authentic clients will appreciate your professionalism and may also understand your concerns.

As a freelancer, you must have skills to fulfill client’s demand and won his trust. Keep in your mind that you are working for them so you negotiate your terms with respect and in a humble way rather than rudely. Everything you consider necessary to be discussed, do that right away and do it correctly. During service, if you demand something alarming for clients it might be a drawback to you.

List of Things You Must Negotiate For

Let’s thrash out tips to negotiate terms with clients that will help you to talk confidently and you will be successful to get home a big buck. Before starting negotiation your terms make sure you don’t lose confidence while talking to your clients.

Here’s a list of things that you should negotiate for:

1. Subject Related Queries

When you get a gig make sure it suits your skills otherwise you may have a hard time completing the project and earn a bad review and rating. Whenever you are having confusion about your project, never hesitate to come up with project related queries. If you think your raised questions will put your clients in doubts about your skills let me clarify this is just a misconception. It’s natural to be on the edge while negotiating with clients, but crucial to avoid any conflict at the end.

If you present all your confusions and get a satisfying response from the client, then you will remain at peace mentally and concentrate on your work. However, if you don’t make the courage you might end up with a confusing mind you won’t be able to come up with the proficient outcome.

2. Offer to Get the Task Done Before Deadline

For a freelancer, similar tasks often become effortless to be attained before a deadline. If you reach that point, do not feel shy to flaunt your expertise. For instance, you are given a task and your client wants you to get it done in two weeks but you certain that you can complete it before the deadline. In such case ask your client for a bonus in exchange for getting work done sooner. Note down, you must make this term before sealing the deal, asking for a bonus later may turn off your client considerably.

3. Milestone Payment

The scam is a general problem in the traditional freelancing platforms. Fraudulent clients make an agreement to pay at the end but they actually intend to deceive you and run away once you submit the work. To protect yourself from any scam better to demand milestone payments. If you find client making excuses and agree to pay 100% at the end rather than paying over the course of a project, it may mean something is cooking up there.

Therefore, it is recommended to convince your client or agree on some middle ground. For instance, why not you ask the client to have 50% payment before you submit work and 50% afterward.

4. Request for Time Extension

Through negotiation, a freelancer can discuss his problems with clients. For instance, you are given a task to get it done in 3 days while you consider it difficult to accomplish because of some emergency you encountered. Speak to the client and offer a discount in exchange for a time extension.

5. Hourly Payment or Charge Per Project

As a freelancer, various tasks require a different time limit. Examine your project and come up with the decision wisely either to go for hourly payment or charge per project. Know your boundaries. Examine what suits with your current skills and time limit. Few projects require more time to be completed while others could be done before the deadline even.

6. Advance Payment

If you encounter any trouble from the client side or you are suspicious about him then you may offer your client 10% discount in exchange for advance project fee. But most clients don’t agree with this demand especially if you are a newbie and do not have a credible profile i.e. reviews and rating. Therefore, for new freelancers, it is better to not demand advance payment if you are working for the first time with that particular client.

Freelancing is trending now and people are embracing it globally. However, with rapidly increasing growth, the industry is becoming even more prone to scam and GigTricks wants to present a solution to combat this shortcoming. By using blockchain technology, GigTricks has the potential to become the biggest platform to nurture talent in the freelance and on-demand community.

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